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HomeAnswersOtolaryngology (E.N.T)ear painI have ear pain, head pain, clogged nose and itchy throat. How to manage it?

How to relieve ear pain, clogged nose, and itchy throat?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

Medically reviewed by

iCliniq medical review team

Published At December 13, 2018
Reviewed AtMay 2, 2024

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

I have episodes of bad sinuses every year. Last year, I had hay fever with an extreme blocked nose. I went to my GP, and he gave me sinus injection. I got better after treating it. The doctor prescribed Allerway 5, and Spersallerg eye drops for me. This year, my condition seems to be poor. My sinus has become bad. I use endless nasal sprays and allergy tablets. But there is no relief. I went to GP again, and he gave me an injection. This time, injection has not helped me. I have ear pain, head pain, clogged nose, with itchy eyes and itchy throat. When I lie down to sleep, the pain gets worse, and I have throbbing pain in the head. I have nonstop sneezing for 30 minutes in the mornings. I have also taken two courses of antibiotics. But there is no relief. In the mornings, when I sneeze, the mucous seems to be yellow with some blood present in it. Later, the mucus becomes clear again. I cannot sleep at night because of the throbbing head pain. I will try to change directions, and I will add more pillows to sleep. But nothing has helped me.


Welcome to icliniq.com.

You are suffering from an acute attack of bacterial infection along with allergic rhinitis. You can take the following medications. Use Avamyse nasal spray (Fluticasone furoate nasal spray) once daily for a month. Take Claritin (Loratadine) tablet once daily during the winter season. Take tablet Targo 750 (Levofloxacin) once daily for ten days. Try to do self-nasal saline or water wash. The last treatment for allergic rhinitis is immunotherapy. You can redo CT scan for the nose and sinus after finishing Avamsye.

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Mohammed Osama Aboborda
Dr. Mohammed Osama Aboborda

Otolaryngology (E.N.T)

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