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HomeAnswersClinical Geneticsconsanguineous transmissionCan I have a normal child on marrying a girl with a family history of genetic abnormalities?

What is the possibility of having a normal child with a girl with a family history of genetic abnormalities?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

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Published At January 13, 2022
Reviewed AtMay 23, 2023

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

I am planning to get married. My father got married to his elder sister's daughter, and my younger brother had cerebral palsy at birth. My sister has a low IQ, but she is manageable. In my fiance's family, her paternal grandfather is married to his sister's daughter. They have a daughter who is deaf. So please let me know if I can go ahead with this marriage proposal and have normal children without any genetic abnormalities due to the family history.


Welcome to icliniq.com.

Cerebral palsy and a low intelligence quotient in your siblings need in-depth analysis. Both of these problems happening to consanguineous parents cannot be taken as incidental or independent of each other. The deafness on your fiance's side needs genetic evaluation too. We will evaluate and fix the genetic etiology in those affected on both sides of your family. Based on the genetic diagnosis made, the recurrence risk for your offspring can be predicted. If recurrence is expected, we will guide you towards early diagnosis (testing the fetus during pregnancy) and other possible methods of preventing a baby from being born with an abnormality.

Kindly plan accordingly.

I hope this helps.


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Dr. M. Pradeep Kumar
Dr. M. Pradeep Kumar

Clinical Genetics

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