Answered by Dr. Muhammad Zohaib Siddiq

Answered by Dr. Muhammad Zohaib Siddiq

Can EECP treat severe heart problems?

Hello doctor,

I am writing to seek your guidance regarding my brother's severe heart problem. He is 56 years old, and the impressions from his recent echocardiogram reports are as follows:

Report 1, taken three months ago, represents

  1. Normal cardiac size.

  2. AWMA+ (Septum, apex, anterior wall, mid and apical Lateral wall hypokinetic)

  3. Severe LV dysfunction.

Report 2, taken a month ago, shows

  1. Dilated LA or LV.

  2. RWMA (septum, apex, anterior wall, inferior all akinetic).

  3. Moderate LV dysfunction.

  4. Grade-I diastolic dysfunction.

Initially, four months ago, he opted for Ayurvedic treatment instead of undergoing an angiogram. However, we convinced him to consult a renowned cardiologist. Instead of proceeding with an angiogram immediately, the doctor conducted additional blood tests and another echocardiogram. The impressions were as follows

  1. Serum creatinine at 1.5 mg/dl.

  2. Normal chambers.

  3. Normal valves.

  4. Normal wall thickness.

  5. LV dysfunction.

  6. Mild TR.

The doctor prescribed the following medications and recommended a follow-up after 15 days. Tablet Angispan-TR, tablet Storva gold 2.0, Dytor Plus-5, Arnipin 50. Additionally, Sorbitrate was prescribed for chest pain relief. Unfortunately, my brother is reluctant to undergo allopathic treatment, even after consultation. He is particularly apprehensive about an angiogram and refuses further treatment like angioplasty or surgery.

I would appreciate your insights on the following:

  1. Can EECP treatment be considered for my brother, and when would be an appropriate time for him to undergo this treatment?

  2. Is EECP treatment aligned with conventional approaches like angioplasty and surgery?

  3. Why might the doctor have delayed the angiogram?

Kindly guide.

Thank you.

01 Jun 2024 - 1 min read

What could be the reason for episodes of bradycardia, tachycardia, and palpitations?

Hi doctor,

I am a 43-year-old female having daily bradycardiac episodes (down to 40 when active at work, the heart just drops, I feel it is happening) and tachycardiac episodes all day (ranging from 118 to 160 resting). I have palpitations all the time. I woke up with them at 3 am. I have worn a monitor recently. PVCS upwards to 1,132 each day and 500 PACs a day. I am exhausted. I get dizzy and, at times, short of breath. I have had a few syncope episodes. My cardiologist just stated I have no arrhythmias. I am 142 pounds as well, at 65 inches. He placed me on low-dose Amlodipine for Raynauds. Echocardiography only showed regurgitation in mitral and tricuspid valves. Left ventricular diastolic disfunction. So my question is, do I see another cardiologist? Thank you.

31 May 2024 - 1 min read

Are angioplasty and ring fixing safe for an 80-year-old?

Hello doctor,

My mother’s age is 80+ and she had heart attack four times. Two attacks in quick succession a year back and two attacks quick in last one month. Her heart pumping capacity is about 35 % with kidney creatinine 3.4 mg/dl. But it is decreasing now. She never had diabetes. But always when admitted to hospital for heart attack treatment, her sugar level increased a bit and hospital always started giving her Insulin. Last one and half year her cardiologist never advised her to go under any aggressive treatment like doing angiogram and then further treatment like angioplasty and ect. If we go for angiogram followed by further treatment like angioplasty and ring fixing. Will it be safe for her? Will she be able to survive? Traditional angiogram or CT angiogram and then angioplasty or ring.

31 May 2024 - 1 min read

My MIBI scan shows ischemia. Can I have a heart attack?

Hello doctor,

I am a 42-year-old female. Last year my GP recommended me for the MIBI (myocardial perfusion imaging) cardiac scan, and it can out that I have mild anterior wall ischemia (10% total ischaemic burden). He then recommended me for the angio scan, and the result came normal. He advised me to ignore the MIBI test result as the angio scan came back normal. I would like to have a second opinion as I cannot understand why he ignores the MIBI scan. Can you please explain which test I have to trust as I am worried sick and always afraid that I will have a heart attack. I am currently on Clopidogrel.

29 May 2024 - 1 min read

Can a heart problem be cured without surgery?

Hello doctor,

I am 72 years old and suffered with heart attack one month back. As a result, a hole has developed in my heart. Doctors are suggesting surgery which according to me is a high risk due to other diseases such as sugar, lung confession, and kidney problems plus allergies and asthma. Can you please advise if the heart problem can be cured without surgery?

Thank you.

29 May 2024 - 1 min read





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