Answered by Dr. Basti Bharatesh Devendra

Answered by Dr. Basti Bharatesh Devendra

Can asymptomatic shedding of HIV result in transmission?

Hello doctor,

Should I be concerned about asymptomatic shedding with HSV-1? I recently tested positive presenting an antibody count of 49.40. I did not test positive for HSV-2. I do not recall ever having an outbreak. Is transmission to my partner likely because of asymptomatic shedding, given that I have not experienced symptoms?

Thank you.

01 Jun 2024 - 1 min read

What is the risk of HIV from fingering with a cut on finger?

Hello doctor,

I have a query related to HIV. I had visited a massage parlor 57 days ago, where at the end I had fingered the masseuse for about one to one and a half minute and she performed a hand job (no other activities). I have a habit of biting my nail and the skin around the nail. The day before this exposure, I had a tiny cut on my index finger (it bled for four to six hours but very less blood 0.02 ml and there was no bleeding during the encounter). So, I got anxious and took an RNA PCR real time test on the 21st day and the result was 'target not detected (20 ml copies)'. Again, on the 28th day, I took HIV 1 and 2 and p24 CMIA method test, where the result was non-reactive and the index value was 0.08 and again took on the 45th day, the same HIV 1 and 2 and p24 CMIA test. The result was nonreactive (index value 0.12). My question is, still do I need to take further tests or move on with my life?

28 May 2024 - 1 min read

What is the possibility of STD transmission with fingering?

Hello doctor,

I fingered a sex worker and now I am concerned if I had any exposure to HIV(Human Immunodeficiency Virus) or other STDs (Sexually Transmitted Disease) as I may have had a small wound on my finger. Please advise.

28 May 2024 - 1 min read

What treatment can be done for penile infection after sex?

Hello doctor,

I had unprotected sex with my wife and got the infection on my penis two weeks back. The head of the penis became red. I used Quadriderm but it is not helping.

28 May 2024 - 1 min read

Is a positive HSV-1 test indicative of a recent or past infection?

Hello doctor,

I was tested positive for HSV-1 last month. Is it indicative of a recent or past infection? If it is a recent infection, I can only think back to two instances where I might have gotten infected. The suspected instances were last year. Are my results consistent with these dates? Additionally, given this positive result, how likely am I to transmit this to my partner if no cold sores are present? If this is an old infection, I have never developed any cold sores, or other symptoms, as far as I can remember. I also did not test positive for HSV-2. Lastly, is the use of antiviral medication recommended for my case?

Thank you very much.

27 May 2024 - 1 min read





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