Medical Case: Chronic eczema

Chronic eczema

Dr. Sheetal Nanji Dama., BHMS


Medical Case Details:

60 yrs lady having scaling discharging eczema since 7 8 yrs.somtimes she has redness with discharge itching and scaling.Her brother had also same complaint.


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Dr. Sheetal Nanji Dama
Homeopathic Physician

Her complaint get better by homeopathic medicines other wise she had whole leg with scaling redness.Want expert's opinion for this.

15.Sep, 02:05pm

Dr. Abeer
General Practitioner

Hi, for eczema, topical steroid cream application needed for two to three weeks. Hydrocortisone cream is good one. Side effects of steroid like thinning of skin, bone weakness , vitamin D deficiency etc should be explained as this may be needed more than one times.
Apply lipid based ointment as moisturizer like Dermive lotion twice a day.
Always maintain moisture by applying non fragrant lotion like Eucerin, Cerave, Aquaphor, Cetaphil.
No hot water bath.
Hope that relieves.

16.Sep, 10:39pm

Dr. Potnuru Srinivaasa Sudhakar
Homeopathic Physician

Hello,Dr. Sheetal R Bhanushali., good evening.
Have you given any homoeopathic medicine for her. Weather it is weeping eczema or dry eczema? what about itching, at what time it is more, is there is any thermal modalities or any reactions, since how many days she is suffering, what is the past history like any respiratory disorders. Please give detailed information. thanking you

18.Sep, 06:48pm

Dr. Sheetal Nanji Dama
Homeopathic Physician

Yes I m giving graphitis 1m n psorinum 1m alternately.
rhus tox 30 when she has redness itching n discharge little bit.
no special time agaravation
no past history of anything
knee joints pain she has with eczema.
she has since 7 8 yrs

18.Sep, 07:23pm

Dr. Potnuru Srinivaasa Sudhakar
Homeopathic Physician

Hello, Dr. Sheetal R Bhanushali
Because she is having scales with eczema, please try PETROLEUM 200, may give relief to her.

18.Sep, 09:00pm

Dr. Sheetal Nanji Dama
Homeopathic Physician

I gave her petro in 30 potency
will try 200

19.Sep, 11:18am

Dr. Potnuru Srinivaasa Sudhakar
Homeopathic Physician

Hello, Dr. Sheetal R Bhanushali

Ok it is better to give high potency for skin complaints.

19.Sep, 07:13pm

Dr. Sheetal Nanji Dama
Homeopathic Physician

OK thank you sir.

19.Sep, 07:43pm

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