Medical Case: Anterior spacing correction.

Anterior spacing correction.

Dr. Mousam Chattopadhyay., BDS


Medical Case Details:

A female patient, age 35 years, complains of anterior spacing 13,12,11,21,22,23 and anterior proclination. Tooth preparation done and individual Zirconia crown to hide the spacing.


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Dr. Shamaz Mohamed

These are just stop gap measures, which would not recommend. There will be forces against the centric occlusion from now onwards. If its a bridge we have actually risked almost all 3 teeth at once. Which will eventually lead to periodontal and TFO problems earlier to what It was supposed to be. Keeping fingers crossed to see the long term prognosis

04.May, 10:41am

Dr. Mousam Chattopadhyay

I guess your are right Sir ,but space was naturally present before from many years.They havebeen designed not to touch mandibular tooth and they are individual crowns . Please let me know yours concerns . Thanksalot Sir

04.May, 10:45am

Dr. Shamaz Mohamed

I feel you must inform the patient about the advantages and long term disadvantages also. Patient should know that her concern for proclination of teeth is handled to yield immediate results and long term solution shall always be Orthodontic treatment approach. Just my suggestion.. However your zirconia work is good.

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04.May, 10:49am

Dr. Mousam Chattopadhyay

Actullay Sir as an Indian Houshold female patient she was not willing to get braces . So we had to narrow down our options .
Thanksalot Sir , Love to here it from you next time .

04.May, 10:52am

Dr. Deepti Mathur

The bridge is fine. You can use a Tepee dental floss to keep it clean

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04.May, 11:32am

Dr. Mousam Chattopadhyay

Thanks Alot Maam for your time .

04.May, 12:23pm

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