Medical Case: A mandibular molar with 3 roots .

A mandibular molar with 3 roots .

Dr. Mousam Chattopadhyay., BDS


Medical Case Details:

A patient , female age 40years with history of pain and sensitivity wrt to lower right first molar. Tooth was quite tough to luxate for an Extraction . Finaly it came off and this was what found.

3 Roots of a mandibular molar . Quite unique as generally we see only two roots .

Thanks Alot.


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Dr. Chinmay Arora

Doc, great decision, but if you would have taken the X-Ray before extraction, you would easily have known about the 3 roots.

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29.Jun, 06:31pm

Dr. Mousam Chattopadhyay

Xray was not available at the locality in that moment due to some unforseen circumstances.
Thanks Alot for your time.

29.Jun, 06:41pm

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