Medical Case: Loose muscle around the eye

Loose muscle around the eye

Dr. Purva Jingar., BDS


Medical Case Details:

A 30-year-old patient complains of a winking eye. He has gone for Botox therapy earlier for the same, but now his muscles are again loose, and he is winking unknowingly every time. Kindly suggest permanent treatment or any long-lasting treatment.



Dr. Sanmukh Shrikant Bajarang
Ayurveda Specialist

Go through a NASYA procedure and use it.

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14.Feb, 01:27pm

Dr. Purva Jingar

Thank you sir.

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14.Feb, 03:19pm

Dr. Nadeem Abootty

Madam , from your history itseems he suffers from blepharospasm. Usually Botox injections may have effect lasting for 3-6months and may require repeated injections.
If it's a blepharospasm diagnosed he may go for intermittent botulinum toxin injections .some medications like mosapride is found to be useful in a subset of patients.
if it's repatative surgical procedures to remove muscles responsible for eye closure after consulting an Opthalmologist.
first make sure the diagnosis is blepharospasm apart from other non serious eye twitching causes.

15.Apr, 12:56pm

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