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Autism Spectrum Disorder in Teenagers - An Overview

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Autism spectrum disorders are challenging. Early diagnosis and a proper case is needed to handle it.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Abhishek Juneja

Published At February 13, 2024
Reviewed AtFebruary 13, 2024


Autism spectrum disorders encompass a group of conditions that are responsible for poor psychological development in children. One out of 100 children all over the world suffer from this condition. However, the prevalence of such disorders can be much higher. However, due to the peculiarity of symptoms or due to medical negligence 28 percent of children are diagnosed with such conditions at a much higher age. That is why autism in teenagers is challenging for everyone.

What Is Autism?

Autism or autism spectrum disorders are a group of neurodevelopmental disorders mainly seen in children and young individuals. Differences in brain development often cause this developmental disorder. This affects the child's emotional, social, cognitive, and physical development. The severity of the condition varies from person to person, and it is usually associated with other disorders. These disorders include Asperger syndrome (a type of developmental disorder), childhood disintegrative disorder (the onset of the developmental disorder is late), and Kanner syndrome (a mental disorder characterized by limited social interaction). The symptoms of autism are;

1. Social Communication Skills -

  • Little or almost no eye contact during communication.

  • Do not respond to the name or not respond when the person is called.

  • No interaction or play with other children by 36 months of age.

2. Delayed Cognitive Development

  • Absence or little facial expression.

  • Need help to play simple interactive games.

  • Does not sing or dance up to the age of 60 months.

  • Unresponsive to the external environment.

3. Restricted or Repetitive Behaviors

  • Tendency to arrange objects and toys in a particular order.

  • Repetition of certain physical movements, sounds, words, and affinity towards moving objects.

4. Other Clinical Features:

  • Unusual sleeping and eating habits.

  • Anxiety, stress, and other psychological problems.

What Are the Different Types of Autism Spectrum Disorders?

Autism spectrum disorders encompass a variety of conditions. These are;

1. Asperger’s Syndrome: This developmental disorder is characterized by difficulty in communication skills, improper interaction, and stereotyped behavioral patterns, activities, and interests. It is often associated with other disorders like obsessive-compulsive behavior, sleep disorder, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. This is known as level I autism disorder. The symptoms of this condition are;

  • Children do not make proper eye contact.

  • Children shy away from interacting with other people.

  • Difficulties in showing emotions.

  • Difficulty in making communication and poor verbal skills.

  • Patterns such as restricted and repetitive use of objects can be seen.

2. Rett Syndrome: This is a type of neurodevelopmental disorder that is characterized by regression of previously acquired skills. This is an X-linked dominant condition that is associated with genetic disorders. Apart from neuropsychological abnormalities other abnormalities like poor neural development along with poor development of prefrontal, posterior frontal, and anterior frontal regions of the brain can be seen. The symptoms associated with Rett syndrome are;

  • Delayed growth of the body parts especially the brain is observed. The head size of the child is smaller than usual.

  • Movement of the arms is slow and poor. Poor muscular development is observed in such cases.

  • Unusual hand movements and eye movements are observed.

  • The child does not talk or communicate. Also, learning habits are difficult.

  • Breathing abnormalities such as rapid and shallow breathing are observed.

  • In some cases, spinal abnormalities and cardiac problems are observed. Also, complications such as seizures can be seen in some cases.

3. Childhood Disintegrative Disorder: This condition is also known as Heller's syndrome or disintegrative psychosis. The symptoms of this condition usually appear after the age of three. In this condition regression in the social and communication skills among the children is seen. As this is an extremely rare condition the exact causative factor is not known. The symptoms of this condition are;

  • Children who suffer from such conditions usually have poor social skills with less attachments to parents and family members.

  • Due to poor communication skills they often need help in initiating conversation.

  • Restricted and repetitive behavior patterns such as bobbing the head up and down or repeated hand movements can be seen.

  • Poor bowel control is seen.

What Are the Challenges of Autism Spectrum Diseases in Teenagers?

Autism is a challenging condition for any child. However, it is even more difficult for a teenager to battle such a difficult condition. The challenges are;

  1. Low academic performance due to problems with vocabulary and grammar. Also problems with imagination and writing.

  2. Teenagers often suffer from speech peculiarities.

  3. Social isolation due to poor social skills.

  4. Reduced amount of self-sufficiency or dependency on other people for daily activities.

  5. Less chances of employment in the future.

  6. Teenagers with low IQ, comorbid conditions, and suffering from severe autism often require lifelong caregivers.

  7. Teenagers often suffer from poor sexual development. Conditions like Rett syndrome are often responsible for the underdevelopment of sex organs and delayed menstruation cycle.

What Are the Methods to Overcome the Challenges of Autism Spectrum Diseases in Teenagers?

It is really difficult to overcome such challenges. Various methods can be used to treat such conditions;

1. Early Diagnosis:

Early diagnosis of such symptoms is the most helpful method to overcome such challenges. Though the presentation can be different in different cases parents and caregivers should always look out for symptoms. Ideally, it should be diagnosed within the age of three or four. Physicians and caregivers should look out for symptoms such as poor verbal skills, rigidity in the thought process, regression in learning, and poor social skills.

2. Support in Education Process:

As already discussed, persons suffering from autism spectrum disorders often face difficulties in learning. Such persons should be sent to proper schools where additional support is present for learning. A specialized learning environment in special education schools is needed. Also, schools should focus on the development of other skills and vocational training programs. Schools and government bodies should search for options for suitable employment for them.

3. Proper Treatment: Proper treatment for autistic children is the most important thing for cognitive development. Behavioral therapy is most helpful in the development of language, and social skills. Such therapy is usually provided by speech therapists, physical therapists, and psychologists. Techniques such as ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) and TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and Related Communication Handicapped Children) can be used for this purpose. The techniques aim to focus on reinforcement, visual information processing using strategies such as visual schedules, clearly structured and organized classrooms, and structured learning patterns. In some cases, drugs like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), stimulants, and antipsychotics can be used.


Autism spectrum disorders are neurodevelopmental disorders that are associated with poor development of social and cognitive skills. It should be kept in mind that such conditions do not develop or appear in teenagers out of the blue. Parents should keep a close eye on their infants. Early diagnosis helps overcome the problems associated with autistic teenagers. Above all proper education, support, and therapy is necessary to fight against it.

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Dr. Abhishek Juneja
Dr. Abhishek Juneja



autism spectrum disorderhealth concerns among teenagers
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