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Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery in Teenagers - An Overview

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Plastic and cosmetic surgeries have become a popular choice among teenagers to change their looks. Read this article to learn more about it.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. A.k.tiwari

Published At June 15, 2023
Reviewed AtApril 1, 2024


Teenagers undergo drastic changes in their bodies and get fascinated by numerous things in the environment. Sometimes, they get inspired by the looks of their favorite celebrities and aspire to become like them. As a result, the demand for plastic surgery or cosmetic surgery has drastically increased over the years. However, the major problem is that teenagers fail to realize the long-term complications they might have due to these surgeries. Studies report that the number of teenagers undergoing plastic surgery has increased. However, the most significant fact to be noted is that only the most essential surgeries must be done on teenagers. In addition, consent must be taken from the parent, even if the teenager is above the legal consenting age, to reduce the problems associated with surgeries.

What Are Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeries?

The terms plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery are often used interchangeably to describe the procedures that change the overall appearance of a person and restore the functionality of damaged organs. Plastic surgery typically involves reconstructive procedures wherein the patient’s birth defects, including cleft lip and palate, traumatic injuries, and other deformities, are corrected. This surgery is a boon for females who want to improve the appearance of their breasts after breast cancer surgery. In contrast, cosmetic surgery does not correct any deformities. Instead, it is done to alter the body part that the patient is not satisfied with. Cosmetic surgery procedures are mostly noninvasive and can be done using lasers. Hence, teenagers easily get attracted to these surgeries without knowing the long-term consequences.

Why Do Teenagers Wish to Undergo Plastic or Cosmetic Surgeries?

Teenagers wish to undergo plastic surgery for several reasons. The most common reason is peer pressure. For example, some teenagers wish to change the appearance of their noses because of peer pressure. Hence, most teens consider plastic or cosmetic surgery as a way to fit in and look acceptable to their peers. However, adults tend to undergo plastic surgery to stand out from the crowd. Some teenagers feel that their self-confidence or self-esteem will improve only after plastic surgery because they are affected by the cruel remarks of their peers. Therefore, it is essential for parents to ensure that their children are willing for surgeries by themselves and do not live up to the expectation of their peers.

In addition, a teenager willing to have plastic surgery must get constant emotional and mental support from the family. They must also be informed about the associated risks or complications of the procedure. Some teenagers wish to undergo laser treatment for birthmarks on their faces or other body parts to look good. In addition, males with gynecomastia (enlargement of the breast) tend to undergo surgery to reduce the excess tissue. So, there could be several reasons for undergoing surgery, but the most crucial fact is that teenagers must be aware of the pros and cons of surgeries.

What Are the Important Considerations for Teenagers Undergoing Plastic Surgery?

Before undergoing the procedure, parents and teenagers must consider a few things listed below:

  • Teenagers are more self-conscious about their bodies than adults. They wish to please their peers or want their bodies to be like a celebrity. However, this self-consciousness should subside with maturity. Hence, they should be allowed to undergo surgery only if they wish to please themselves and not others.

  • A teenager should have realistic goals and expectations from the surgery. Unrealistic expectations can lead to plastic surgery addiction and long-term complications.

  • A person’s body changes over time, so the body parts that appear too large now might look normal with time. Hence, one needs to be patient before the surgery.

  • A qualified and experienced surgeon should only do the surgery.

  • Teenagers who are willing to undergo surgery to reduce belly fat, like liposuction or other procedures, must be referred to a nutritionist or dietitian. This is because exercise and diet are the most effective and natural ways to reduce belly fat rather than plastic surgery.

  • Teenagers who are depressed, self-critical, or suffer from body dysmorphic disorder must get enough emotional support from their families or a psychiatrist and avoid plastic surgeries.

What Are the Common Plastic or Cosmetic Surgery Procedures That Can Be Done on Teenagers?

Several plastic surgery procedures, except liposuction, breast enlargement, or cheek implants, can be done on teenagers. However, the doctor must ensure that the procedure is appropriate for the person and should not pose any harm. Some of the procedures that can be done in teenagers are listed below:

  • Rhinoplasty - It is also known as nose reshaping surgery. It is the most preferred procedure by teenagers to improve the size and shape of the nose. In addition, this procedure helps improve breathing.

  • Otoplasty - It is a common cosmetic surgery procedure wherein the size, shape, or position of ears is surgically corrected. Some teenagers tend to undergo surgery if their ears tend to stick out of their heads. In addition, it can be done to correct congenital deformities in the ears.

  • Chin Augmentation - It is an invasive procedure wherein implants are inserted to correct the size and shape of the chin and to enhance the facial features.

  • Breast Reductions - Breast reduction surgeries are not indicated for teenagers. However, girls facing embarrassment, back pain, or neck pain due to large breasts can undergo the procedure.

  • Gynecomastia - It is a condition characterized by the development of breasts in males. Though the condition subsides after some time, the procedure can be done in severe cases.

  • Dermabrasion - It is mainly done to smoothen the skin scarring from acne. Collagen injections or lasers can be used for the procedure.

Is Plastic Surgery a Right Choice for Teenagers?

If plastic surgery is done to remove the defects caused by injuries, accidents, or congenital conditions, then it can be safely done. However, teenagers willing to undergo cosmetic surgeries to look as per their peer’s expectations are not right. The following tips would help one make the right decision:

  1. One must remember that plastic surgery would only restore the functionality of organs rather than changing them.

  2. Teenagers must remember that plastic surgery would not make them popular in school or among their peers.

  3. Looks or outer beauty hardly matter, so one must not run behind it.

  4. Discuss with the doctor to know more about the risks or complications of the surgery.


Teenagers are more vulnerable to developing complications due to plastic surgery because they opt for surgery under peer pressure. Though some surgeries can be done safely on teenagers, they must be aware of the complications. Hence, the parents must support their children emotionally and consult the doctor to learn more about plastic surgery.

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Dr. A.K.Tiwari
Dr. A.K.Tiwari

plastic surgery-reconstructive and cosmetic surgery


cosmetic surgeryplastic surgery
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