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HomeHealth articlesnasal tanning sprayHow Does a Nasal Tan Spray Work?

Nasal Tanning Sprays - Uses, Precautions, and Safety

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Cosmetic products have been in use for many years, but in recent years nasal tanning sprays have looked promising. Read to know more.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Dhepe Snehal Madhav

Published At September 16, 2022
Reviewed AtJanuary 5, 2024


A nasal tanning spray is composed of a chemical called Melanotan. When inhaled through the nostrils in a required dosage for a few weeks, it induces natural tanning from inside the skin. Every person has a different skin tone depending on the melanin production in the body. Melanin is naturally produced in the body; its function is to protect deeper layers of the skin from ultraviolet rays from cancer and skin aging. Melanin gives a darker appearance to the skin, hair, and eyes.

What Is Nasal Tanning Spray?

Nasal tanning sprays are formulated to temporarily darken the skin, giving a tan-like appearance upon inhalation. The main component, Melanotan II, is a synthetic compound produced in a laboratory, mimicking hormones naturally found in the body. However, it comes with notable risks and safety concerns. Dihydroxyacetone is primarily utilized in topical sprays, and it does not need ultraviolet radiation to create pigmentation.

Results of applying Dihydroxyacetone to the skin become visible within two to four hours, persisting for 24 to 72 hours and gradually diminishing over time

How Does a Nasal Tan Spray Work?

Some nasal tanning sprays may contain Dihydroxyacetone (DHA) along with Melanotan. Dihydroxyacetone (DHA) is a form of glycerine derivative and an active ingredient used in nasal spray tanning; due to its peptide bond composition, it interacts with amino acids in the skin, leading to the formation of brown pigments known as melanoidin, which are similar to melanin. Melanotan increases the body’s natural melanin production, giving darker pigmentation to the skin.

The nasal spray is inhaled through the nostrils, and the mucous membrane of the nose is thin and has many blood vessels, allowing the spray to penetrate the system. At least 40 percent of it is absorbed only if used properly. The results may vary depending on the sun exposure from person to person; the longer the exposure, the better the result.

What Is Melanotan?

Melanotan is an artificial chemical similar to melanocyte-stimulating hormone-producing melanin that gives pigmentation to the skin and is used to treat skin disease. Still, it is also used in cosmetic products to induce tanning.

What Are the Types of Melanotan?

There are two types of Melanotan.

  • Melanotan I: Acts faster, and the results last longer, but it is found that it does not give a natural tan look.

  • Melanotan II: Acts slower, is easily broken down into soluble forms, and is easily decomposed. Most tanning cosmetic products contain type 2 however, it stimulates the sexual drive hormone.

What Precautions Should Be Taken While Spraying?

Follow instructions as per the user manual; before inhaling, try on the forearm to check for allergic reaction; results may differ in all consumers depending on genetic differences, hormone production, and sun exposure. Overdoing may cause allergic reactions.

Is Nasal Tanning Spray Safe?

Nasal tanning sprays containing Melanotan I and II lack approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This is attributed to the need for more knowledge about their ingredients' composition, dosage, and interactions. There needs to be more scientific studies supporting the safety of these products raise concerns. While the FDA has approved the external application of DHA (dihydroxyacetone) in tanning products, caution is advised. Tanning products should avoid contact with eyes, lips, and mucous membranes throughout the body.

What Are the Side Effects of Tanning Spray?

The side effects of tanning spray include:

  • Achieving a tan requires adequate sun exposure, but excessive exposure can lead to sunburn rather than tanning.

  • Consumers of tanning products may experience side effects such as nausea, headache, dark moles, stomach problems, and, in severe cases, life-threatening allergies.

  • Type 2 Melanotan induces sexual drive hormones, contributing to prolonged penis erection and heightened sexual libido.

  • Evidence suggests that Type 2 Melanotan is associated with renal infarction, a critical condition where blood flow to the kidney is obstructed.

  • Dihydroxyacetone, an active ingredient in tanning products, poses risks such as DNA cell damage, generation of free radicals, and the degradation of new cell growth, leading to oxidative stress.

  • Dihydroxyacetone spray can interfere with vitamin D production, potentially causing skin allergies, rashes, dizziness, and a reduced appetite.

  • Regular inhalation of Dihydroxyacetone carries risks of asthma, airway blockage, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and even lung cancer.

  • Tanning products may result in unexpected black patches or moles on the skin and nails.

  • Potential adverse effects of tanning products include blurred vision, dryness of the eyes, and retinopathy, causing damage to muscle cells.

  • Melanotan, lacking regulation, poses uncertainties regarding its concentration and interaction with other ingredients. Nasal administration increases the risk of systemic absorption and associated side effects.

What Are the Alternatives to Tanning Products?

  • Sun Exposure with SPF: Achieve a natural tan by exposing oneself to the sun while ensuring protection with sunscreen, preferably SPF (sun protection factor) 30 or higher.

  • Strategic Sunbathing: Choose morning sunlight to minimize potential harm, and remember to rotate sides when in the sun to prevent overexposure.

  • Makeup for Tan Look: Attain a sun-kissed appearance using bronzer, available in powder or cream form.

  • Erythrulose and DHA Combo: Utilize erythrulose from red raspberries for a reddish hue and combine it with DHA for a lasting and attractive tan. Exercise caution, as this combination may lead to increased free radicals.

What Are the Risks Associated With Nasal Tanning Spray?

Some common risk associates are:

  • Melanoma is a form of skin cancer.

  • Sudden formation of larger moles, which also include atypical moles.

  • Rhabdomyolysis is a condition where the muscular cells begin to disintegrate. This condition can result in acute kidney injury and even sometimes death.

  • Melanonychia is discoloration seen on the nails.

  • Encephalopathy is a condition impacting the brain.

  • Renal infarction is a condition that is characterized by reduced blood flow to the kidneys.


Nasal tanning spray may be effective for tan appearance, but several safer alternatives can be used to get that perfect summer tan. The consumer must compare the risks and benefits of all tanning products before using them on their body. Tanning spray is not considered a good option instead, safer methods like spray tanning, bronzer, etc., can be used.

Frequently Asked Questions


Is the Use of Nasal Tanning Spray Considered Safe?

The list of harmful and sometimes life-threatening long-term negative effects of nasal tanning sprays greatly outweigh the short-term cosmetic benefits, leading specialists to strongly advise against their usage.


Are Tanning Nasal Sprays Effective in Achieving a Tan?

The body will gradually adjust to the levels of product present in the system, resulting in the development of a uniform and consistent tan. The optimal and most uniform tanning outcome can be achieved within a time frame of approximately three to four weeks.


Is the Use of Nasal Tanning Spray Considered Illegal?

A rising number of nasal tanning sprays claim to provide customers with the desired deeper tanning effect. However, the use of this unregulated, illegal, and readily available tanning method should be severely discouraged because it can be extremely harmful.


What Is the Duration of Efficacy for Tanning Nasal Spray?

Dihydroxyacetone is predominantly employed as a cutaneous aerosol, obviating the need for ultraviolet radiation to induce pigmentation. The application of dihydroxyacetone on the skin yields visible effects within a timeframe of two to four hours, with a duration of 24 to 72 hours, followed by a gradual fading process.


What Adverse Effects Do Nasal Tanners Have?

- Facial flushing refers to the temporary reddening of the face, typically resulting from the dilation of blood vessels near the skin's surface.
- Loss of appetite.
- Hyperpigmentation of the skin.
- Elevated sexual desire.
- The occurrence of penile erections without any apparent external stimulation.
- Sleepiness.
- Abdominal discomfort.
- Yawning.
- Nausea.
- Bloating.


What Damage Do Nasal Tanners Cause?

However, researchers have identified several immediate adverse effects linked to the usage of tanning nasal spray, such as the occurrence of nausea and vomiting. The individual is experiencing symptoms of diarrhea and dizziness.


In What Circumstances Is the Utilization of Tanning Nasal Spray Appropriate?

To maintain one’s complexion, use four pumps, two in the morning (one per nostril) and two in the evening (one per nostril). The body will gradually adjust to the amount of product in one’s system, resulting in an even tan. Between three and four weeks, the finest and the most even tan will develop.


Is It Unhealthy to Use Nasal Spray Daily?

If nasal decongestant sprays are a staple in one’s medication regimen, one should be aware that using them for more than three days in a row can worsen one’s congestion. Excessive utilization of steroid nasal spray has the potential to induce thinning of nasal tissues, hence increasing the occurrence of nosebleeds.


Can Nasal Tanning Products Influence the Kidneys?

The nasal tanners can induce a condition called renal infarction, which is extremely uncommon but can be fatal. This condition results in decreased blood flow to the kidneys and can lead to kidney failure.


How Often Should Nasal Tanners Be Used?

To achieve optimal outcomes, it is recommended to utilize the tanning sprays on a daily basis during the initial stages. It is suggested to apply two sprays in the morning and one spray five minutes prior to UV exposure. It is recommended to engage in two to four sunbed sessions per week in order to develop a tan, with the duration of each session gradually increasing over time. When initiating the use of a new bottle, it is advisable to reduce the dosage to two sprays administered every other day.


Does Daily Fading of Spray Tan Occur?

Daily application of nasal sprays is required to keep the tanned appearance. Without daily follow-up applications, the coloration of the tan starts to disappear the next day


Is the Efficacy of Nasal Spray Greater During Nighttime or Morning Hours?

Once or twice a day (in the morning and at night), apply the spray. One or two sprays onto each nostril is the standard dosage. Adhere to the instructions included with the nasal solution. Avoid using more than the most allowed number of sprays per day.
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Dr. Dhepe Snehal Madhav
Dr. Dhepe Snehal Madhav



nasal tanning spray
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