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HomeHealth articlespain managementHow Can Orthotics Help Relieve Pain?

Pain Management Using Orthotics

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Orthotics help in the redistribution of pressure throughout the foot, according to scientific studies. Read the article for more information.

Written by

Dr. Ankita Das

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Syed Salman Saqlain

Published At October 26, 2023
Reviewed AtMay 9, 2024


If one is experiencing foot or heel pain and is considering getting orthotics for getting faster relief, then the first thing that they need to know is orthotics are shoe inserts that help in fixing the abnormal movement of the foot. Orthotics have proved to be the answer for almost all the problems related to the feet, starting from pain caused by arthritis to inflammation caused by bunions or bursitis. These are custom-made devices that are prescribed by doctors to help treat and alleviate leg, foot, or back pain.

What are Orthotics?

Orthotics are basically special shoes or heel inserts that people get custom-made for them on the recommendation of the doctor. Doctors generally recommend using orthotics in case of foot, leg, or back problems. Orthotics are generally prescribed when exercises do not prove to be much effective.

How to Determine if One Requires Orthotics?

If one is experiencing prolonged pain and discomfort in their feet, legs, and back, doctors will then recommend using orthotics. Orthotics are mostly part of the comprehensive treatment plan for addressing various symptoms associated with the pain and discomfort of the feet and legs. Doctors generally recommend using orthotics for:

  • Correcting foot deformities.

  • Improving the functioning of the foot and ankle.

  • Providing proper support to the ankle.

  • Reducing the chances of getting any more injuries.

How Do Orthotics Help With Pain?

There are numerous medical conditions that orthotics help correcting like :

  • Osteoarthritis.

  • Rheumatoid arthritis.

  • Bunions.

  • Flat feet.

  • Hammer toes.

  • Heel spurs.

  • Foot injuries.

  • Plantar fasciitis.

  • High arches.

  • Bursitis.

Doctors generally recommend doing additional therapies like physiotherapy and chiropractic care along with orthotics.

Do Orthotics Really Provide Relief?

Pain and discomfort are the two things that patients suffer from an injury or as a consequence of an underlying condition. Individuals rely big time on their feet and legs to support the rest of their bodies. Abnormalities in feet, including high arches or collapsed arches, can cause misalignments and pain in the rest of the body. If these abnormalities are corrected, the provided support can bring about pain relief. Customized orthotics provide various other benefits besides relief from pain, including :

  • Relieving pressure throughout the feet.

  • Maintaining proper alignment of the ankles, knees, and back.

  • Improved athletic performance.

  • Enhanced overall health and wellness.

Customized orthotics help patients with improved mobility and help them lead a comfortable and pain-free life.

How Do Orthotics Help With Leg and Back Pain?

Customized orthotics are generally used for regulating foot movements that are transmitted up the leg and to the lower back, depending on their specific foot dynamics, so that exaggerated foot motion can then be translated into rotational movements of the leg. This rotation is then moved to the knee, which is either capable of creating knee problems, or it can pass through into the knee and up to the hip. As a consequence of which, the lower muscles of the back are made to work more as the patient moves to stabilize themselves. Customized orthotics can also be used to reduce the force of impact on the feet as one walks. The pressure of the heel hitting the ground can glide through the feet and up the leg to the hip and lower back when the joints in the foot have limited mobility. This pressure is most common in people with high arches and restrictive foot formation. In these cases, customized orthotics can help in reducing some of the contact pressure connected with walking by padding and uniformly delivering pressure beneath the feet.

How Do Orthotics Help With Foot Pain?

Several foot problems can be corrected using orthotics. Some of the medical conditions related to feet that orthotics can correct are :

  • Heel pain.

  • Foot pain that bunions inflict.

  • Foot sprains.

  • Foot pain caused by injuries.

  • Pain in the arch of the feet.

  • Pain caused by underlying conditions like arthritis.

Orthotics basically specialize in alleviating foot discomfort and fatigue in older people who suffer from joint pain in their feet. Even children and adults who suffer from foot deformities are prescribed orthotics along with other treatments and therapies like physiotherapies to decrease the pain and improve the overall quality of life of the patient.

How Do Orthotics Help With Sciatic Pain?

Sciatica is basically a major symptom of common lower back problems. It is characterized by numbness, lack of strength, loss of sensation, or pain beginning in the lower back. Custom foot orthotics help in relieving sciatic pain and improving mobility. Custom foot orthotics help patients to improve their posture, skeletal alignment, and the way they walk. Customized orthotics also allow the soft tissues in the lower region of the back to heal. As a result of which, individuals experience a reduction in their sciatica and can lead their normal life pain-free.

How to Know Which Type of Orthotics We Need?

All patients are different with different medical conditions, and there are different types of orthotic solutions available for them too. The orthotic types can be of different types, including the ones made from materials such as carbon fiber or plastic, to accommodate, which is very flexible and cushioning. Some orthotics are like full shoe inserts that are similar to the insoles present in many athletic shoes, while some are smaller heel insert that fits into the back cup of the shoe. Ankle foot orthotics are also an option, with the shoe inserts and an upright portion extending from the heel upward and around the calf. So before individuals are able to determine what type of orthotic is right for them, they need to visit a doctor. If one is having prolonged pain as the result of a medical condition or injury, physiotherapists can help a great deal in relieving the pain and discomfort by customizing a treatment plan that might include custom orthotics.


Orthotics are basically a portion of comprehensive treatment plans that help people with foot and ankle concerns. Not everyone needs orthotics. These should only be used if prescribed by the doctor. One should also remember to ask the doctor about what kind of consequences can be expected from routine wear.

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Dr. Syed Salman Saqlain
Dr. Syed Salman Saqlain

Orthopedician and Traumatology


pain managementcustom orthotics
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