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Trikonasana: The Triangle Pose

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Trikonasana or triangle Pose is a standing yoga posture that improves stability, calms the mind, and tones the legs. Read to learn more.

Written by

Dr. Saranya. P

Medically reviewed by

Shakti Mishra

Published At August 10, 2023
Reviewed AtFebruary 27, 2024


Yoga is a form of spirituality that originated in ancient India. It restores harmony to the body, mind, and soul. Its popularity has grown as the Western world has become more aware of its benefits. Despite being a spiritual discipline, developed nations have primarily embraced it as an exercise or stress-reduction technique.

Different forms of yoga, which are modified variations of the fundamental poses, have been developed over time. Ashtanga or power yoga, Bikram or hot yoga, Hatha yoga, integral yoga, Kundalini yoga, and Viniyoga are a few of the several styles of yoga. Hatha Yoga is the most well-liked form of yoga. The history of Hatha yoga begins in the eleventh century. This style of yoga places a lot of emphasis on maintaining the various asanas (body positions) correctly while carrying out the exercise routine. One of the poses used in Hatha yoga is called Trikonasana.

What Is Trikonasana?

Trikonasana is a standing position in Hatha Yoga. 'Tri' signifies three, while 'Kona' means corner. As a result, Trikonasana means three corners. The ultimate position resembles a triangle created by the torso, upper, and lower limbs, hence the name. Trikonasana primarily concentrates on side stretching of the body. It might aid in increasing spinal flexibility. Additionally, it could extend the leg muscles and ease hip and leg stiffness.

How to Perform Trikonasana?

Despite the pose's apparent simplicity, there are a few critical steps to remember when doing it:

1. Position the Body: Begin in the mountain pose (Tadasana), then spread the feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Then, stretch the arms so that they are parallel to the ground, palms facing down. If starting on the right side, place the left foot at a 45-degree angle and the right foot at a 90-degree angle with the end of the mat.

2. Slightly Bend: Take a deep breath and let it out as one bends the hips and extends the right leg to the right heel (if starting on the right). Do not scrunch up the sides of the waist; keep them long. Stretch the tailbone towards the back heel.

3. Extend the Arms: Grab the ankle with the right hand as a practitioner extend the right arm to the right foot. The fingers of the left hand should be pointing up at the ceiling, and the left arm should be extended upward, producing a straight vertical line with the shoulders.

4. Hold and Repeat: Turn the head to the ceiling while keeping the shoulders straight. Hold briefly, then reset to neutral and repeat with the left leg.

What Are the Variations of the Trikonasana or Triangle Pose?

1. Extended Trikonasana, or Extended Triangle Pose (Utthita Trikonasana): This involves almost the identical preparation and execution as the standard Trikonasana, with the exception that the stance is wider to open the pelvis and the hand placement differs slightly. For instance, instead of halting at the shin or ankle while reaching the left foot with the left hand, hold the big toe or rest the lower hand flat on the ground next to the foot.

2. Revolved Trikonasana, or Revolved Triangle Pose (Parivrtta Trikonasana): Begins with the arms parallel to the floor in the same posture as a regular or extended Trikonasana. Without bending the left or right knee, pivot towards the front leg while keeping the chest open. With the free hand firmly placed on the hip, stretch the right arm toward the left ankle or the left arm toward the right ankle, depending on which side one is starting with. Then, carefully turn the torso to face the direction of the leg one is holding and gradually twist the body until one can comfortably look up. To do this, bend toward the front heel until one can grab the ankle.

What Are the Benefits of Trikonasana?

Trikonasana, like many other yoga postures, has a few advantages for the body and mind, including:

  • It aids in leg stretching and muscular body strengthening.

  • The digestive system is further stimulated due to the body's core being activated. Consequently, it aids in enhancing body metabolism.

  • One advantage of Trikonasana is that it improves flexibility by easing back and spinal tightness.

  • This yoga improves metabolism, which helps with stamina and energy.

  • Attempting to achieve equilibrium with this yoga stance helps people improve focus.

  • Steps in Trikonasana release the hip flexors and shoulders, enhancing mobility and lowering the risk of injury. Yoga should be practiced on both sides to benefit the right and left hips equally.

  • It improves physical and mental equilibrium by increasing metabolism and attention.

  • Additionally, it lessens sciatica, back pain, stress, and anxiety.

Benefits of Parivrtta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle Pose):

  • Side-Bend Benefits: The side-bend Parivrtta Trikonasana strengthens the leg muscles. It tones the knees, quadriceps, calves, glutes, and hamstrings. Even the hip becomes stretched, strengthening it.

  • Twist Benefits: It includes toning, stretching, and strengthening the arms and shoulders, core muscles, and massaging the internal organs. It even treats the symptoms of sciatica. Due to the effective pelvic floor muscle activity during twisting, reproductive organ function is also improved.

  • Balance Benefits: It improves concentration, focus, and mental stability by relaxing the nervous system.

Benefits of Utthita Trikonasana (Extended Triangle Pose):

  • The Utthita Trikonasana strengthens the hip region.

  • This Trikonasana yoga posture is also good for the spine.

  • It benefits ankles, knees, thighs, and the torso by stretching and strengthening them.

  • Additionally, it improves digestion while energizing the digestive system.

What Are the Things to Consider Before Performing Trikonasana?

To benefit from trikonasana to its fullest, one should have the following in mind:

  • Hold the Legs Straight: Touching the foot with the hand at first can be fairly challenging. One should refrain from bending the knees at this time. If the knee-bending problem persists, use a yoga block as leverage.

  • Maintain Muscle Tone: Trikonasana yoga is an easy pose to perform. Trikonasana advantages, however, may only be attained if the thighs and core are actively engaged.

  • Do Not Bend the Back: This workout involves bending the body sideways. As a result, it's important to prevent rounding the spine or bending the back while performing this.


The triangle position, also known as Trikonasana, is a standing Hatha Yoga asana that benefits the entire body. The hips, legs, calves, lungs, arms, and spine benefit greatly. Specific safety measures must be followed when practicing this posture. Under the guidance of a certified Yoga teacher, one can regularly perform this asana to get the most health advantages.

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Shakti Mishra
Shakti Mishra



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