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Hair Transplant Surgery - An Overview

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A hair transplant is a surgical procedure that transfers hair to bald or thinning parts of the scalp. Read further to know more.

Written by

Dr. Aysha Anwar

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Dhepe Snehal Madhav

Published At April 15, 2024
Reviewed AtApril 15, 2024


One treatment for hair loss is hair transplant surgery. Hair-bearing skin from one area of the scalp is taken, and several procedures are available, but all hair transplants require grafting these pieces of skin onto traumatized or thinning parts of the scalp.

What Is Hair Transplant Surgery?

A hair transplant involves transferring hair to parts of the scalp that are balding or thinning. Often used for individuals who have tried various hair loss therapies, hair restoration or hair replacement is another name for it. Hair transplants are performed by dermatologists, who specialize in treating skin conditions, or plastic surgeons, who treat injuries to the body and specialize in reconstructive surgery.

What Diseases Are Treated With Hair Restoration Surgery?

There are numerous causes of hair loss. Hair loss might be permanent or only occur temporarily. When it comes to permanent hair loss brought on by:

  • An autoimmune condition called alopecia areata targets hair follicles.

  • Pattern baldness or androgenic alopecia.

  • Hormonal abnormalities or thyroid disorders.

  • Burns or other traumatic injuries.

Can a Hair Transplant Patient Wear a Hat?

For various reasons, one may wish to cover up the region after a hair transplant and wonder if doing so will get in the way. After the procedure, transplanted hair grafts require three days to become secure. It is best to wait for them to become used to their new surroundings before applying any pressure to the grafts. Even after a hair transplant, a physician might suggest that the patient hold off on donning a hat for ten days. At least four weeks should pass before wearing a helmet.

How Long After a Hair Transplant Should One Avoid Being in the Sun?

Patients' scalp will be much more sensitive to sunburn than usual, so staying out of direct sunlight for two weeks following the procedure is recommended. If one is outside during this time, ensure it is for a brief period and cover the area with a hat or bandana. If one continues to experience irritation, swelling, or sensitivity, one should contact a medical consultant. One should also take precautions to prevent sun damage for at least three months after the hair transplant.

What Are the Do's And Don'ts After a Hair Transplant Surgery?

Having as much knowledge as possible about what to do and what not to do following a hair transplant is critical because the recovery phase is vital to achieving the intended outcomes. The following are some of the most important do's and don'ts to make sure aftercare time is successful:

  • Do not go to the gym following a hair transplant.

  • Exercise after the procedure should be restricted, just like with any surgery. After a hair transplant, physical activity might increase blood pressure, which can lead to needless bleeding or the transplanted hair falling out.

  • To preserve a freshly transplanted scalp, one should refrain from intense physical activity for at least 14 days following the procedure. The chances of having a detrimental effect on the outcome of transplant increase with increased exercise intensity. Yoga and other gentle workouts can be started as soon as one week following hair transplant surgery. However, a head-down position or standing on the head will not benefit the scalp after a transplant.

Don'ts After a Hair Transplant Surgery:

  • Sun Exposure for Scalp Following a Hair Transplant Operation: Avoiding direct sunlight is also important in the initial days following a hair transplant, particularly if the scalp is inflamed. Because the scalp's heightened sensitivity following surgery might harm delicately placed grafts, one should try to stay indoors or in the shade during the first four weeks of recovery, even if one might not always be able to avoid the sun entirely, depending on circumstances.

  • Go Back to Work Too Soon: Even if the treatment is not as painful as other, more involved surgeries, one should still ensure they take enough time off work to recover – even if everything seems well after a day or two. One should go slowly and avoid doing anything too demanding that can harm transplanted grafts when they return to work.

  • Thirty Days Following a Hair Transplant, One Cannot Smoke: After surgery, refrain from smoking for at least 30 days because it can impede the blood supply to hair follicles and complicate the healing process. The ultimate purpose of hair transplant surgery is to stimulate the growth of new hair, which may also prevent it from happening.

Do's After a Hair Transplant Surgery:

  • Avoid Going to the Gym After a Hair Transplant: As with any surgery, limited exercise following the procedure is advised. Exercise following a hair transplant will increase blood pressure, which can lead to needless bleeding or the transplanted hair falling out. To protect the newly grafted scalp, avoid all strenuous exercise for at least 14 days following surgery. The more vigorous the exercise, the more likely it will adversely affect transplant results. Start yoga and other light exercises as early as one week following the hair transplant; however, be mindful that standing on the head or adopting a pose where the head dangles is not ideal for the scalp.

  • Follow the Advice of the Surgeon: The main factor in getting the best outcome from a hair transplant is how well one takes care of new hair. Following the procedure, One will get instructions from the surgeon, which should be carefully followed over the next few weeks. They might also receive medication from them, such as antibiotics and painkillers. One should take them as the doctor directs to prevent discomfort or infection.

  • Maintain an Erect Posture: Although this may seem like a strange request, one should refrain from bending over or performing any tasks that require one to gaze down. Bending over sends blood rushing to the head, which can result in needless or excessive bleeding that might irritate tissue or cause grafts not to be taken properly.

  • Avoid Excessive Perspiration: Refrain from exercise and other activities that increase perspiration. Transplant sites could become infected if one uses a sauna or spends much time outside on a hot day.


Generally speaking, one should wait three days before washing the hair as usual. One can wash hair gently on the third day following treatment, but avoid using harsh shampoos or creams, too hot or cold water, and sprinkling water directly onto the head. Stay away from intense exercise in the first seven to ten days following hair transplant surgery. It is also not advised to have sex. Following a hair transplant, it is essential to exercise caution.

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Dr. Dhepe Snehal Madhav
Dr. Dhepe Snehal Madhav



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