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Burning Eyes - Causes, Symptoms, and Management

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Burning Eyes - Causes, Symptoms, and Management

4 min read


Burning eyes is a condition where a burning sensation is associated with redness and watery eyes. It can occur due to many factors.

Written by

Dr. Sumithra. S

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Gargi Madhukar Apte

Published At July 28, 2022
Reviewed AtMay 20, 2024

What Are Burning Eyes?

Burning eyes is an irritation that causes a burning sensation in the eyes. It is often associated with redness and watery eyes. The affected person feels more heat in the eyes than in the other body parts. There are several causes, such as weather conditions, allergies, or diseases like dry eyes. It can affect both eyes or just one eye at a time.

What Are the Various Causes and Symptoms of Burning Eyes?

  • Presence of a Foreign Body: Foreign bodies like sand or dust present on the eye's surface can cause burning eyes. Dust and sand particles from cleaning, traveling through roads, and winds are the causative factors.

Symptoms associated with this are,

  • Burning eyes.

  • Discomfort in the eye.

  • Tearing of the eye.

  • Excessive blinking.

  • Redness.

If this is found to be the cause, make sure to limit eye movements, wash hands before touching the eyes, avoid applying pressure, and try to wash the eyes with clean running water.

If the foreign body is found to be wood, glass, or metal, it is best recommended to see a doctor immediately.

  • Chemical Eye Burns: Eye burns due to chemical substances can cause burning and watering eyes. These burns occur at workplaces or homes from common household chemicals.

  • Alkali Burns: Chemicals of high alkaline content like ammonia and eye are found to cause chemical burns and damage to the layers of the eyes. These chemicals are commonly found in household cleaners. This is the most dangerous burn.

  • Acid Burns: Acid burns are not as dangerous as alkali. Acids like sulfuric acid, acetic acid, and nitric acid are present in everyday household things like nail polish remover and batteries.

If exposed to any of the above chemicals, rinse the eyes thoroughly with clean running water as first aid.

  • Blepharitis: There are several oil glands present near the eyelashes. These glands get clogged due to bacteria and mites, and irritate, itching. The dry and burning feeling of the eyes is seen. The symptoms associated with this condition are.

In severe cases, discharge from the eyes and the formation of a stye (a red lump on the edges of the eyelid) are seen.

  • Conjunctivitis: Conjunctivitis, also called pink eye, is the inflammation of the conjunctival layer. It starts in one eye and may eventually spread to another. The severity depends on the causative factor. If it is caused due to an allergy or antihistamine drops, cold compression is enough for it to heal. But if bacteria, viruses, or fungi are found to be the cause, immediate treatment is required as certain forms have the potential to spread. The common symptoms include burning eyes, itchy eyes, discharge, and tearing.

  • Pterygium: It is a wedge-shaped, fleshy, and non-cancerous growth seen in the conjunctival layer and the layer covering the cornea. It is also called a surfer's eye. Exposing the eyes to too much ultraviolet light (UV light) is the primary cause. Symptoms include,

    • Burning eyes.

    • Blurred vision.

    • Redness.

    • A feeling of the presence of a foreign body.

    • Irritating eye.

    • Not able to wear contact lenses.

  • Dry Eyes: Dry eyes occur due to inadequate production of tears to lubricate the surface. Burning eyes are one of the most common symptoms. Artificial tears are found to produce good relief for dry eyes. Working on a computer for a long time is one of the risk factors.

  • Sunburn of the Eye: Ultraviolet rays not just damage the skin but also the eyes causing burning sensation and irritation.

  • Ocular Rosacea: Rosacea is a serious skin condition causing redness and inflammation. It occurs due to stress, food, and alcohol consumption. Ocular rosacea is the first sign of facial rosacea. The symptoms include,

    • Burning eyes.

    • Blurred vision.

    • Redness.

    • Sensitive to light.

    • Itching of the eyes.

    • Stye could be present in some cases.

How to Diagnose Burning Eyes?

Finding the underlying cause is essential to chart down the treatment plan. Therefore, the doctor will enquire about the following.

  • A complete medical history will be taken.

  • The patient will be asked about the symptoms: When did the symptoms start? Did they get better or worse? What activity makes them worse?

  • Any history of eye condition will be recorded.

  • History of medications will be evaluated as certain decongestants tend to cause burning eyes.

Next, the eye will be physically examined using specialized equipment to check for irregularities, damages, and dryness. A few drops will be applied to the eyes to check their tearing and moisturizing ability.

How to Manage Burning Eyes?

Managing burning eyes depends on the underlying cause, but a general treatment plan includes,

  • Cleaning the eye margin below the eyelashes with lukewarm water.

  • Lubricating eye drops can be used to ease the redness.

  • Warm compress using a clean cloth soaked in warm water provides good relief.

  • Antihistamine drops prescribed by doctors can be used to treat allergies.

  • Fish oil and flaxseeds can be taken as a supplement to treat dry eyes and ocular rosacea.

  • In case of a chemical burn, the eye's pH has to be restored, and thus, doctors will monitor the affected eyes for some time.

  • If vision is affected, the ophthalmologist will undergo a series of eye tests to finalize a treatment to restore vision.

What Are the Home Care Remedies for Burning Eyes?

  • Utilize cold compresses to alleviate itching.

  • Employ warm compresses to soften any eye crusts that may have developed. Additionally, cleansing the eyelids with baby shampoo applied on a cotton applicator can aid in crust removal.

  • Regular application of artificial tears, about four to six times daily, can offer relief for various sources of burning and irritation, particularly dry eyes.

  • For individuals dealing with allergies, strive to minimize exposure to triggers such as pets, grasses, or cosmetics. The healthcare provider might prescribe antihistamine eye drops to alleviate allergy symptoms.

When Should a Person Seek Medical Attention?

Contact the healthcare provider if:

  • The discharge from the eye is thick, greenish, or resembles pus (as this may indicate bacterial conjunctivitis).

  • The person experiences excessive eye pain or sensitivity to light.

  • The vision is reduced.

  • There is an increase in swelling of the eyelids.


In most cases, burning eyes occur as a symptom of an injury or an infection. So treating the whole condition becomes essential at times. Proper treatment eases the burning eyes. Seeking a doctor at the earliest is necessary to prevent complications.

Dr. Gargi Madhukar Apte
Dr. Gargi Madhukar Apte

Ophthalmology (Eye Care)


burning sensation
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