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HomeHealth articleshomeopathyWays to Treat Bad Breath (Halitosis) Through Homeopathy

Homeopathic Medicines for Halitosis (Bad Breath)

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Homeopathic Medicines for Halitosis (Bad Breath)

4 min read


Halitosis, or bad breath, is a mouth condition where the patient complains of an unpleasant smell from the oral cavity. Read the article below to know more.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Sneha Kannan

Published At June 22, 2019
Reviewed AtApril 25, 2024


An unpleasant smell from the mouth or bad breath is called halitosis, caused by eating certain food, dry mouth, poor oral hygiene, alcohol or tobacco use, or some chronic medical conditions. It may be related to both systemic and oral conditions. About 85 percent of cases belong to oral conditions like poor oral hygiene, certain foods, dentures, dry mouth, tobacco products, and medical conditions.

What Are the Risk Factors and Causes of Halitosis?

  1. Food like garlic, spicy foods, cheese, fish, and acidic beverages (coffee) can cause a lingering smell. Some foods may get stuck in the tooth and cause the growth of bacteria and dental plaque, which results in bad breath. Another important cause is a low carbohydrate diet, which causes the body to burn fat to produce energy (ketones), which causes a fruity acetone-like smell when exhaled. Diabetes mellitus can also cause halitosis.

  2. Smoking and chewing tobacco release chemicals that are retained in the mouth.

  3. Poor oral hygiene is when a person does not regularly brush or floss their teeth. Bad breath is caused by dental plaque hardening and becoming tartar, which is home to bacteria. This also results in inflammation of the gums, which is called gingivitis.

  4. Health conditions like sinus infections, pneumonia, sore throat, common cold, flu, tonsillitis, post-nasal drip, thrush, bronchitis, acid reflux, lactose intolerance, indigestion, liver diseases, etc., are associated with bad breath.

  5. A dry mouth or xerostomia can result in bad breath, as saliva helps keep bad odor away by flushing out bacteria. Some anti-allergic medicines may cause dry mouth.

  6. Post-nasal drip is the most common sign of allergy, which can also cause halitosis.

  7. Dental problems like cavities, gum diseases, or impacted teeth may cause halitosis.

  8. Due to ill-fitted dentures, food particles may get collected. Dental braces also cause food to stick, which results in the growth of bacteria and bad breath.

  9. Bad breath in the morning is because saliva production stops during sleep.

  10. Halitosis may be caused by any foreign body lodged in the nasal cavities of children.

  11. Some cancers and metabolic disorders can also cause bad breath.

What Are the Symptoms of Halitosis?

  • White coating on the back of the tongue.

  • Dry mouth.

  • Post-nasal drip.

  • Burning tongue.

  • Morning bad breath.

  • Saliva is thick.

  • A constant need to clear the throat.

  • Bitter and metallic taste in the mouth.

How Can Bad Breath Be Prevented?

  • Brush the teeth twice daily, at least for two to three minutes, to remove plaque and food particles, and it is important to do so before going to bed. Washing the mouth with water and baking soda helps reduce acidity in the mouth and prevents the growth of bacteria.

  • Cleaning between the teeth is called flossing, which should be done to prevent bacterial growth.

  • Any residue build-up between the taste buds and folds in the tongue must be removed with a tongue scraper and brushing the teeth.

  • Chronic dental problems also cause bad breath, and mouth rinse will only mask the smell and not cure it. Rinsing the mouth with black or green tea will prevent the growth of bacteria.

  • Consult a dentist regularly to maintain good oral hygiene and to rule out any dental problems. If the dentist rules out all problems, then consult a physician for other reasons that can cause bad breath.

  • To maintain good oral hygiene, quit smoking, and avoid tobacco. Tobacco makes the mouth dry.

  • Drink plenty of water every day to prevent dry mouth. Drinking water will control bad breath. It washes out all food particles and bacteria.

  • Sucking on sugarless candy or chewing gum can help stimulate saliva secretion, which helps to wash away food particles and bacteria.

  • Eating fresh vegetables and snacks helps the flow of saliva between meals. An empty stomach and skipping meals can cause foul breath as acids in the stomach build up.

  • Saltwater gargling will prevent the growth of bacteria.

What Are Homeopathic Medicines for Bad Breath?

  1. Mercurius Solubilis: Used for a moist mouth with a bad smell. In such cases, saliva has a highly offensive odor, and the salivary glands are hyperactive and produce profuse saliva (water brush). The smell of the mouth spreads all over the room, and the thirst for water increases. This medicine helps in the treatment of dental conditions like tooth decay and gum infections with spongy, bleeding, and discharging gums. It can also be used for ulcers in the mouth and for a sweet metallic taste, along with bad breath.

  2. Pulsatilla: It is used when the tongue is covered with thick mucus, dry tongue without thirst, and salty or bitter taste in the mouth.

  3. Kreosote: Halitosis due to decayed teeth, bleeding gums, and bitter taste in the mouth.

  4. Hepar Sulphuris: Halitosis due to gingivitis and pyorrhea (pus discharging from the gums with bad breath). This medicine helps remove root causes and absorb pus. Here, Carbo Vegetabilis helps in the removal of pus discharge with blood. If pus, blood, and salivation are present, then Mercurius Solubilis is indicated. When an unpleasant smell emanates from pus collection on the tonsils due to throat issues, Hepar Sulphuris is the best natural cure.

  5. Carbolic Acid: This medicine is used in cases of bad breath associated with a bloated abdomen due to constipation. Abdominal pain with constipation, loss of appetite, nausea, and bad breath.

  6. Belladonna: When a throat infection causes poor breath, belladonna is a suggested remedy. There may be feverish symptoms in addition to a throat infection.

  7. Nux Vomica: Natural remedy Nux vomica is used to cure cold symptoms as well as poor breath.

  8. Carbo Vegetabilis: Individuals can use this homeopathic medicine if they have foul breath caused by illnesses, such as gingivitis (gum infection) and bleeding gums.

What Are the Other Remedies?

  • Gastric symptoms, such as acidity and constipation, intolerance to cold air, and a craving for stimulants, such as coffee, alcohol, and spices, are taken into consideration while prescribing Nux Vomica. Pulsatilla is more suitable for those who are hot-blooded and have a preference for cool, open-air than Nux Vomica. They lack the need for water, and they have bad breath and a dry mouth.

  • Individuals with bad breath and warm body sensations are most suited for sulfur. In addition to bad breath, one may experience an unpleasant taste. Those with bad breath and cold air intolerance can benefit from taking Nux Vomica. Along with bad breath, they typically have chronic stomach issues like acidity and constipation.

  • Remedy depends on the characteristics of bad breath. Arsenic Album is the cure for smells like garlic. The greatest natural cures for onion-like odors are Lycopodium and Asafoetida. Individuals who require Asafoetida or Lycopodium are those who experience persistent abdominal distress or gas. The medications graphites, benzoic acid, and nitric acid conceal odors like urine. The greatest natural cures for odors similar to those of stool are Belladonna and Baptisia.


A widespread illness that can lead to low self-esteem or disgust is halitosis. Frequently, it is merely the body's signaling mechanism alerting one to an irregularity. The positive aspect is that treating the underlying medical issue is generally enough to eliminate halitosis. Together, the general practitioner and dentist can determine what is best to treat the condition.

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Dr. Potnuru Srinivaasa Sudhakar
Dr. Potnuru Srinivaasa Sudhakar



halitosishomeopathyoral hygiene maintenancegum diseasedry mouth
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