Common "Ultrasound Physiotherapy" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Ultrasound Physiotherapy

The therapeutic effects of ultrasound are being used in tissue healing. It enhances the rate of healing and reduces pain upon use on the injured site. Its therapeutic effects can be thermal or non-thermal based. In thermal mode, the therapy works by providing deep heat to the tissues and regulate blood supply. In non-thermal therapy, the ultrasound causes cavitation (expansion and contraction of gas bubbles around the tissue), speeding healing. Ultrasound physiotherapy is used in treating joint tightness, tendonitis, shoulder pain, and ligament injuries. It improves the range of motion.

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I am diagnosed with plantar fasciitis. Please advise.

Query: Hi doctor, I was diagnosed with plantar fasciitis. I am having swollen feet despite taking anti-inflammatory medications. Please help.  Read Full »

Dr. Sharoff Lokesh Mohan

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I do not know what anti-inflammatory medicines you were taking, but you need to take the correct medicines and the main treatment of plantar fasciitis is stretching exercises. When the pain reduces, you have to do calf stretching exercisesto reduce the pain of plantar f...  Read Full »

I am getting knee pain even with a simple activity. Please help.

Query: Hi doctor,I am a 27 year old male. My weight is 85 kg and height is 179 cm. About 2 years ago, I participated in a half marathon. On that day, I started feeling pain in both knees above the patella. I think in quadriceps tendon. I followed RICE and the pain went off. But, after that, whenever I do s...  Read Full »

Dr. Shakti Amar Goel

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Considering your symptoms and pain, I have a few points to mention. It is possible that the pain is due to quadriceps pull. However, a condition called chondromalacia patellae should also be ruled out. Do you have pain in climbing upwards or upstairs? I wou...  Read Full »

Can cortisone injection help in treating tennis elbow?

Query: Hi doctor,My mother is 71 years old, and she is suffering from pain in the right arm for more than a month now. She has pain in the elbow, shoulder, wrist, and fingers. She is not able to grip even light objects with the fingers. We consulted an orthopedic doctor, who is suspecting tennis elbow. He ...  Read Full »

Dr. Atul Prakash

Answer: Hello, Welcome to It is very unusual for a 71 year old woman to get tennis elbow, so I am not sure that it is the correct diagnosis. Assuming the diagnosis is correct, then I will recommend waiting and continuing physiotherapy, ultrasound therapy, TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve ...  Read Full »

Please have a look at my MRI and explain the treatment for back pain.

Query: Hi doctor, Previously, I contacted you with the following issue. I got a back muscle spasm with lumbosacral spondylosis. Posterior central disc bulge at L4-L5 and L5-S1 causing thecal sac indentation. Also, bilateral neural foraminal narrowing. I am having groin, LBA and leg pain for the past two mo...  Read Full »

Dr. Akshay Kumar Saxena

Answer: Hello, Welcome to You have sent me your MRI images (attachment removed to protect patient identity), which show mild degeneration in a few of your discs. But, there is no great compression anywhere. So, I presume you would also be fine neurologically. Although, I would request you...  Read Full »

Please suggest treatment for muscle pain over the chest.

Query: Hi doctor,A few months ago, I had pain in my left chest. I was referred to a cardiologist just in case it was a heart problem. All the tests, including CT, treadmill, echo, and 24-hour Holter returned negative. I was informed that it was likely being sports injury, possibly tennis, and nothing to wo...  Read Full »

Dr. Sumit Chawla

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have gone through your history. It seems that the pain has currently settled down. It is good to hear that you have already ruled out the cardiac causes of left shoulder or arm pain and all the test results are good. There is no need for further investigation b...  Read Full »

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