Common "Tooth Extraction" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Tooth Extraction

Tooth extraction is the surgical removal of a tooth. A tooth is extracted if it is grossly decayed, infected, loose tooth, over-retained milk tooth, or crowding.

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My mother has continuous bleeding after extraction. Please help.

Query: Hi doctor, My mother got her tooth pulled out. It has been a few hours now. But still, it is bleeding a lot. She uses a new gauze continuously, but it gets soaked in blood. Is this normal?  Read Full »

Dr. Naveen Thomas

Answer: Hi, Welcome to No, it is not normal if the blood comes out in the same quantity after extraction. Bite down a gauze very hard at the wound for about 45 minutes. If she feels, that the blood is filling her mouth, then she needs to go back to the dentist as soon as possible. Applying ic...  Read Full »

Why does my tooth hurt after biting something hard?

Query: Hi doctor, My son is 12 years old. He bit a cookie yesterday, and it has hit his tooth. Now, he has a pain in the tooth. What to do now?  Read Full »

Dr. Naveen Thomas

Answer: Hi, Welcome to If it is a permanent tooth then, wait for a day or two. If there is no sign of any visible fracture line, allow them to heal after sudden blunt trauma. On considering his age, if it is a milk tooth, then it has to be removed. If there is a pain, then consult a dentist s...  Read Full »

I have an infection, swelling, and pain in my lower molars. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor, I have a bad infection at the lower right molars- 46 and 47(and another one at the left one, but that does not hurt and I will deal with it right after this one). I had really big swelling and a lot of pain, swelling started a few days ago and got gradually worse. I went to the dentist...  Read Full »

Dr. Naveen Thomas

Answer: Hello, Welcome to If an experienced root canal specialist can remove the canal fillings and redo the treatment then it is better to save those teeth rather than extracting them. But all the root canal-treated teeth have an abscess on the left and right sides. Did you get them treated ...  Read Full »

Can tooth Infection cause redness below the eyes?

Query: Hi doctor, I have about six broken teeth. They are a mess. I am so scared of the dentist, but I need to see one. I am in constant pain all the time. I have had two abscesses in the last six months. I had eye infections as well on the same side. I am sure that it is connected. What to do?  Read Full »

Dr. Naveen Thomas

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Yes, the tooth infection can cause redness below the eyes. Please go to a dentist soon, and there is no need to fear as dentists are very smooth and painless in their treatment methods, and you will not even know it. If the tooth is restorable and you can afford it, the...  Read Full »

I have a foul-smelling discharge after tooth removal. Why?

Query: Hello doctor, I had all four wisdom teeth pulled nine days ago. Only the one on the bottom right tooth is very painful and when I push near it all this foul smelling yellow stuff comes out. What is wrong? Also, having headaches.  Read Full »

Dr. Naveen Thomas

Answer: Hello, Welcome to You may have dry socket condition on that side. It occurs due to loss of blood clot in the early days since extraction. Use warm salt water gargle twice a day for a week or two to get some relief. You may need antibiotics and painkillers for a week or two. So, go b...  Read Full »

Is it needed to remove the periodontal ligament to extract teeth?

Query: Hi doctor, My lateral incisor #7 fractured at the gumline and will likely require a surgical extraction. Also, while a temporary filling was provided after removal of pulp pending a root canal, the root canal was not done for many months due to an insurance lapse, and the tooth became infected as ...  Read Full »

Dr. Naveen Thomas

Answer: Hello, Welcome to There is nothing like "Biological" dentists as such, but you might be referring to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Anyway the removal of root stump of a lateral incisor is a simple procedure and any dentists should do it. There is no separate removal of periodontal ...  Read Full »

Why is my tooth paining and growing in an abnormal position?

Query: Hello doctor, My teeth are all over the place and I have wanted a brace for years but the dentists keep telling me I need to wait till my teeth fall out as they will not put me to sleep to take them all out but they have not even noticed that I have a tooth which grows out of the gum to separate wa...  Read Full »

Dr. Naveen Thomas

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Usually, by 13 years of age, all milk teeth should have fallen out. If not, then you can ask them to be removed. Also, as the permanent canines are growing out from sideways you can ask your dentist to remove the milk tooth directly below it as soon as possible to allow...  Read Full »

Why is water coming out of nose while drinking after molar extraction?

Query: Hello doctor, I had a molar extraction and now water I drink comes out of my nose. I consulted an oral surgeon and he did a small surgery and gave stitches three times but no result. Is it very dangerous? Please advice further medication and treatment.  Read Full »

Dr. Naveen Thomas

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Usually, the area should be adequately closed by suture. This happens due to a hole in nasal sinus when the upper molar tooth is extracted. It is dangerous in long term if the hole does not close on its own. The hole should heal in a week or two when the wound caused...  Read Full »

Are flap surgery and bone graft needed for my loose tooth?

Query: Hi doctor, I am having severe toothache and loose teeth. I used to chew tobacco for the past 10 years. I am getting severe tooth pain often and some blister in the gums. My upper sixth tooth got loose and was removed three years ago. I have been to a local dentist and they advised deep scaling, root...  Read Full »

Dr. Naveen Thomas

Answer: Hi,Welcome to seems that the loose teeth have gone beyond repair and should be removed (attachment removed to protect patient identity). The alternative treatment plan, which is cost effective, do deep scaling first to get clean gums and teeth and then use Betadine mouthwash for one ...  Read Full »

Is it good to extract my damaged tooth while breastfeeding?

Query: Hi doctor, I have a 4-month-baby boy. I am doing breastfeeding. My tooth is entirely damaged. So I am planning to remove my tooth. Is it correct or not? I am taking medicine for it. Please tell me a suggestion.  Read Full »

Dr. Naveen Thomas

Answer: Hi, Welcome to It is better to remove a damaged tooth. You can take some antibiotics and painkiller medicines. Take Amoxicillin 500 mg for three days after extraction. It does not affect your kid. Ask your dentist about particular medications while breastfeeding. For more information...  Read Full »

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