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HomeAnswersDermatologyskin rashI have had itchy, burning bumps and rashes on my left hand since yesterday morning. Please help.

How can recurrent fungal infections be treated?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

Medically reviewed by

iCliniq medical review team

Published At July 2, 2023
Reviewed AtJanuary 13, 2024

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

I have a rash on my left hand that appeared in the morning the previous day. There are itchy burning bumps on my palm, index finger, and thumb. Bumps are not visible unless scratched. When scratched, the bumps become white with redness in the surrounding area. I had a similar rash on my stomach which is considered to be due to bacteria in the tub. I have not been in the tub lately. I used Silver Sulfadiazine cream then.

Answered by Dr. Gaurang Gupta


Thank you for stopping by!

I am here to provide expert opinions on your medical issues. I have read your query, and understand your concern.

Fungal infection indeed can be very problematic, especially if it becomes recurrent. You can keep these precautions in mind.

1. Never keep the area wet at any cost. Use talcum powder frequently to keep it dry.

2. Do not scratch it.

3. Change the undergarments regularly.

4. Do not use any creams, especially steroids like Cream Betnovate (Betamethasone).

5. Do not stop the medicine once you get cured. Continue medicine in order to kill the entire fungal growth.

6. Avoid excessive sweating. Keep yourself dry, and change clothes if they get wet.

7. Check diabetes and thyroid, as they can be recurrent even after proper treatment.

Now treatment part, I suggest the following medications. Consult your doctor, and take the medicines accordingly.

1. Ketoconazole cream and Tablet Terbinafine 250 mg for 2 months; or Terbinafine cream Tablet Fluconazole 150 mg twice a week for 2 months.

3. For itching take Tablet Levocetirizine 10mg twice a day.

I hope this helps. Please return if you have any further queries.

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Gaurang Gupta
Dr. Gaurang Gupta


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