Common "Root Canal Treatment" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment is done to save a tooth that is severely decayed or infected. In this procedure, nerves and blood vessels present in the pulp of the tooth are removed, and the pulp chamber is filled with a biocompatible material.

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Why do I have pain in the tooth even after RCT?

Query: Hi doctor, Three weeks ago, I had a root canal done. But, the pain is still present. I cannot bite anything as the pressure gives pain. Kindly help.  Read Full »

Dr. Naveen Thomas

Answer: Hello, Welcome to If even after three weeks of root canal treatment and the pain is not relieved, then you should show to the dentist as there may be some infection is remaining. Your dentist should take an x-ray again to check for infection and either repeat the procedure or give you...  Read Full »

My 2.9-year-old son has problem in upper four teeth. Is RCT recommended in this age?

Query: Hello doctor, My son is 2.9 years old and has a problem in the upper four teeth (x-ray attached) and doctors are suggesting for RCT (root canal treatment) as they are very much decayed. So I just wanted to confirm the same.  Read Full »

Dr. Naveen Thomas

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have seen the x-ray. (attachment removed to protect patient identity). If the child is cooperative and can sit through the procedure then it is fine to have pulpectomy procedure i.e. root canal treated. If your child does not have any pain or swelling and the to...  Read Full »

Is it necessary to get root canal treatment done for tooth?

Query: Hi doctor, I have pain in one of the gums near one of the upper teeth. After eating or having something hot or cold, I feel sensitive and after that, I get pain for some time, but the pain goes away automatically. I have gone to one of the dentists and she suggested me to get a root canal treatment ...  Read Full »

Dr. Naveen Thomas

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I read your query and understand your concern. If you have pain after eating cold or hot, it mostly means that the nerves inside are infected. It has to be root canal treated. If you are so sure that it can be saved and want to try something else, ask a dentist to just...  Read Full »

My cheeks are swollen and numb after RCT. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor, My five year old (turns six next month) has gone for a root canal a few hours ago. I was not with him but they told me that they used a gel anesthetic, if it matters. Now, he is back and his cheek on the treated side is swollen and numb, and he seems to have difficulty smiling or speak...  Read Full »

Dr. Naveen Thomas

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Yes, it is normal. The numbness will go away in a couple of hours. The swelling may remain for two days. Give all prescribed antibiotics and painkillers as suggested.   Read Full »

I have tooth sensitivity to hot food. Do I need a root canal?

Query: Hi doctor, My dentist convinced me to replace my metal filling with a nonmetal filling. After doing it, I got sensitivity to hot food and liquid. Then I went to visit my dentist. She took an X-ray and said the filling (she replaced) was close to the nerve. She suggested a specialist. He told me tha...  Read Full »

Dr. Naveen Thomas

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I have gone through your query. If the X-ray shows that the filling or cavity is approximating or involving pulp, you will definitely need a root canal as just a filling will cause pain and infection in future. Maybe the doctor would have given a temporary filling just ...  Read Full »

Is it needed to remove the periodontal ligament to extract teeth?

Query: Hi doctor, My lateral incisor #7 fractured at the gumline and will likely require a surgical extraction. Also, while a temporary filling was provided after removal of pulp pending a root canal, the root canal was not done for many months due to an insurance lapse, and the tooth became infected as ...  Read Full »

Dr. Naveen Thomas

Answer: Hello, Welcome to There is nothing like "Biological" dentists as such, but you might be referring to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Anyway the removal of root stump of a lateral incisor is a simple procedure and any dentists should do it. There is no separate removal of periodontal ...  Read Full »

Why is pain not subsiding after root canal treatment?

Query: Hi doctor, Three weeks ago, I had my root canal treatment done. Pain is not subsiding. Please advise. I have enclosed latest x-ray for your reference.  Read Full »

Dr. Naveen Thomas

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Your root canal treatment has become failure and is evident in the radiograph (attachment removed to protect patient identity). Kindly repeat root canal therapy or you will eventually need to extract it as the material has gone very deep. The material is extending be...  Read Full »

What is the reason for recurrent sensitivity in the root canal-treated tooth?

Query: Hello doctor,Two months ago, I had a root canal done on a lower molar by a general dentist. I have put off getting a crown on it for now to evaluate its healing. Last week, I noticed hot food causes a sensitive feeling coming from that area whereas the week before, I had pain in my jaw area. I am no...  Read Full »

Dr. Naveen Thomas

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have seen the files and gone through them (attachment removed to protect patient identity). The two mesial roots are not properly filled to the tip but there does not seem to be any infection at the apex. I suggest you wait for a few more weeks. Are the sensitivity a...  Read Full »

Tooth filling got chipped off and now I have sensitivity. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor, I had braces and got them off and two tooth (upper left, last two) had a gap. My dentist said my filling also chipped from the removal and decided to redo the filling. Afterwards I experienced pain. Like sharp pain from eating hard things like chips, grainy things that went into the g...  Read Full »

Dr. Naveen Thomas

Answer: Hello, Welcome to If only that particular tooth is being sensitive and no other, then the best for you may be going through the root canal treatment. The teeth may have been grinded down due to successive refilling and may now be very close to nerve. Sometimes using a strong toothpast...  Read Full »

My daughter has hyperemic pulp. Should I be concerned?

Query: Hello doctor, My daughter underwent a root canal. She is 4-years-old. The dentist tried to do it with gas and numbing it. She sat well through the drilling, then when he was doing the pulpectomy, she screamed and choked and flailed around. The dentist seemed unable to handle it all and he said she h...  Read Full »

Dr. Naveen Thomas

Answer: Hello, Welcome to It is normal for the pulp to bleed profusely when it is a little enlarged inside, like a polyp. The dentist could have easily managed her, had he given a local anesthesia (just a drop would have numbed it) directly inside the pulp when doing the root canal treatment....  Read Full »

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