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HomeAnswersInternal MedicineprecumCan I become pregnant by fingering with precum in the pool?

Can fingering with precum in the pool lead to pregnancy?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

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Published At April 20, 2024
Reviewed AtApril 20, 2024

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

My partner and I were at a swimming pool. My partner looked to see whether he cummed in his swim shorts while in the water, he stated that he noticed that he pre-cummed since he still had an erection after it and did not finish completely. He then stated that he touched his cum, and 10 seconds later he fingered my anus or someplace close to my vagina, but I cannot recall. I believe the cum was old, and because it was pre-cum, I am not sure whether there was sperm, but I also know that sperm dies almost very quickly in pool water. Am I pregnant? A week has passed, and my period is due in four days.

Kindly help.


Welcome to icliniq.com.

I read your query and can understand your concern.

However, based on the information you provided, it is highly unlikely that you are pregnant. Pre-cum, which forms before ejaculation, does not contain enough sperm to cause pregnancy. Additionally, if your partner touched his pre-cum and then fingered your vagina or anus, any sperm present would have been quickly washed away by the chlorinated pool water. Sperm can survive for up to 24 hours in warm, wet environments like hot tubs or bathwater, but they die much more quickly in pool water due to the chlorine. If you have any concerns about pregnancy or STIs (sexually transmitted infections), I recommend consulting a healthcare provider for further guidance.

I hope this information will help you.

Thank you.

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Dr. Vandana Andrews
Dr. Vandana Andrews

General Practitioner

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