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HomeAnswersInternal Medicinepain in thighCan a thigh joint pain be caused due to hospitalization for COVID-19 infection?

I have been having pain above the thigh joint after recovering from COVID-19. Please advise.

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Preetha. J

Published At October 20, 2020
Reviewed AtOctober 20, 2020

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

I am a 66-year-old male. I recovered from COVID-19 one and a half months ago. I was hospitalized for 24 days in ICU due to COVID-19 and pneumonia in both lungs. I have been facing problems above the thigh joint (lower back pain).

Please advise.

Thank you.

Answered by Dr. Sugreev Singh


Welcome to icliniq.com.

This pain can be a nerve pain or muscle pain as you have mentioned that you have lower back pain and leg pain, so most probably associated with the nerve. May be due to long-term hospitalized and sleeping in the same position.

  1. Can you please tell me what medicines you are currently taking?
  2. Is this the first time you have this pain?
  3. Since when are you facing this problem?
  4. Is there any swelling or redness on the leg?
  • You can use Diclofenac gel or spray on your back where you have pain two to three times a day for five days

Please answer so I can prescribe you medicine accordingly.

Thank you.

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

I have been taking Ortho capsules and oil for pain relief. As advised by you, I used Volini spray three times a day last for five days. But I was still facing the same pain. Two years ago, I did face the same problem. But the same had been relieved with Ayurvedic medicine. However, they did take time for curable action (more than ten days). I do not have any redness and swelling in the legs.

I am further attaching the doctors' prescription at the time of discharge from the hospital and requesting you to advise accordingly.

Thank you.

Answered by Dr. Sugreev Singh


Welcome back to icliniq.com.

The gel will not be effective in such cases because you have a long history of pain. It would help if you went for an examination such as an ultrasound or x-ray to check what is the reason for pain. Other it is possible due to age-related arthritis. As you mentioned, you dr ortho helped you previously. The report you attached is related to Corona treatment, and I have checked. Everything seems to be good. If you do not have Corona symptoms now and just pain, I would recommend you to take,

  • Tablet Pantop (Pantoprazole) 40 mg once a day before meal.
  • Tablet Diclofenac 50 mg twice a day after meal.
  • Take tablet Calcium and Vitamin D 500 mg once a day after meal. Take all three tablets for five days if your pain subsides then will go for further treatment.

If not, testing and examination is a must.

Please let me know if anything else.

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Sugreev Singh
Dr. Sugreev Singh

Internal Medicine

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