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HomeAnswersInfectious DiseasesoseltamivirI would like to know about the drug Oseltamivir. Kindly help.

How does the drug Oseltamivir aid in treating influenza A virus?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

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Published At May 7, 2024
Reviewed AtMay 7, 2024

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

I have heard about Oseltamivir and its use as an antiviral drug, especially in treating influenza A virus. Can you provide information on how Oseltamivir works and its effectiveness against influenza A? Additionally, is it available at all pharmacies, and are there considerations or precautions that one must be aware of when using this medication for flu treatment? I want to be well-informed about antiviral options, especially during the flu season. Kindly help.

Thank you.


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Oseltamivir inhibits the growth of influenza viruses by inhibiting neuraminidase enzymes of the virus, and by doing so, the drug stops the release of influenza virus from cells and prevents this virus from crossing the mucous lining of the respiratory tract. The mechanism of action of Oseltamivir helps reduce the symptoms of influenza, such as stuffy nose, cough, sore throat, fever or chills, aches, tiredness, and shortens the recovery time. Oseltamivir is indicated and approved in the treatment of influenza A and B and is also particularly indicated for H1N1 infection (swine flu virus infection) treatment and prevention.

For treatment, Oseltamivir works best if started within two days of influenza symptoms. Consuming a capsule or tablet (in some places suspension) of Oseltamivir 75 mg twice a day for five days is recommended in adults. Oseltamivir also helps to prevent flu in case of person-to-person transmission either from a family or in the neighborhood or in those who may not have been exposed yet but might be living in a susceptible area.

For prevention, in adults,I suggest taking tablet Oseltamivir 75 mg would be required to be taken once a day for at least 10 days. It can also be used to treat pediatric patients with influenza A and B at reduced dosages depending on age and body weight. Consult a pediatrician for the same. In patients with renal impairment, reduced Oseltamivir dosages depending on the creatinine clearance might be required under supervision, and one must consult a nephrologist in such conditions.

Although the medicine can be taken with or without food, it is better to take it with food and milk to prevent abdominal symptoms such as nausea, pain, vomiting, etc. While being administered with Oseltamivir, certain other precautions must be remembered, such as chronic cardiac disease, severe hepatic impairment, renal impairment, respiratory disease, delirium, and abnormal behavior, which might occur in rare instances besides hypersensitivity reactions in patients with a history or evidence of allergy to this medicine. The prescriber should be aware of secondary bacterial infections, which should be keenly looked for and prevented appropriately.

Oseltamivir is an effective medicine, and if used appropriately, it would be useful in preventing and treating influenza A and B and swine flu H1N1 respiratory tract infection.

I wish you good health. Do revert in case of any further queries.

Thank you.

The Probable causes

The probable cause could be a H1N1 virus infection.

Investigations to be done

No investigations are required at this time.

Preventive measures

I suggest you take an influenza vaccine (multivalent against different virus strains) once a year.

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Shubadeep Debabrata Sinha
Dr. Shubadeep Debabrata Sinha

Infectious Diseases

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