Common "Nipple Changes" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Nipple Changes

Temporary nipple changes due to hormonal fluctuations, age, and hot or cold are common. However, unexpected changes like discharge from the nipples, retracted nipples, persistent lumps and bumps, recurrent pain and itching, changes in color, texture, and size of the nipples and areolas need to be consulted with a doctor

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I have Li-Fraumeni Syndrome. Should I be concerned about this nipple pain?

Query: Hello doctor, I have Li Fraumeni Syndrome which greatly increases my chances of cancer. I have regular various annual screenings. I had a breast MRI three months back and the report (which I do not have) stated that the contrast seemed to 'pool' in one place. The doctor said he was not overly conce...  Read Full »

Dr. Sagar Ramesh Makode

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Paget's disease mostly involves nipple and later spread to areola, but it can also involve areola only. It is possible that areola is involved and the nipple is swollen. Many cases of Paget's disease do have lump below the nipple or some cancerous lesion. Is this lesio...  Read Full »

I started feeling sharp stabbing pain in my breast. Why?

Query: Hello doctor, I am an 18 year old female. A few days ago I noticed that my left breast was very tender. Yesterday morning I started feeling sharp stabbing pain inside my breast near the nipple every hour or so. Yesterday night I started to feel the pain 10 times worse and more frequently. I also not...  Read Full »

Dr. Sameer Kumar

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Invasive ductal carcinoma at 18 years of age is unlikely even though you have a history in family recently. The pain in the left nipple area which had a sudden onset in last few days and have been decreasing with a localised redness around nipple goes more in favour...  Read Full »

I have gynecomastia. How can it be cured?

Query: Dear Doctor, I am a 26 year old male. From the age of 13, my chest is developing into breast and it looks very weird on me. I feel like, I have gynecomastia. I feel very upset. Please help me with a cure for this.  Read Full »

Dr. Meha Malhotra

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Please do not worry. There are a lot of options for treating your problem. Check all these before you consult a doctor: You have to check whether there is a separate lump or general enlargement of the chest. And whether the enlargement is on both the sides. Check whether ...  Read Full »

I had inverted nipples, but they are normal now. Can I breastfeed?

Query: Hi doctor, I have 8-week-old baby. Initially, I had inverted nipples, so I could not breastfeed my baby. In addition, I have a good milk supply, and I am expressing and feeding the baby. However, my nipples have become fine due to pumping, so I want to switch to breastfeeding. Also, I consulted a la...  Read Full »

Dr. Bhaisara Baraturam Bhagrati

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I went through your query and understood your concern. 1. Yes, you can switch over to direct breastfeeding. 2. Make sure the baby latches the mouth to the breast properly. 3. Hold the baby and be seated in a comfortable position. 4. Initially, there will be discomfo...  Read Full »

I have cracked nipples that have failed to heal and I am not able to nurse my baby. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor, I have cracked nipples that have failed to heal for the past five weeks. I am a nursing mother, and I am not able to feed.  Read Full »

Dr. Faisal Abdul Karim Malim

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Please apply Purelan 100 (Lanolin) to the cracked nipples and express the milk to prevent engorgement and feed the baby that milk (store in hygienic conditions) along with some top feeds if required. Reduce the latching of the baby to enhance healing. Till you have h...  Read Full »

My partner feels her nipples are tight. Is she pregnant?

Query: Hello doctor, I had sex without protection but, I did not ejaculate inside her vagina. She had an I-pill within three hours. It has been 13 days and still, there is no bleeding. She says her nipples feel tight. So, does it mean she is pregnant?  Read Full »

Dr. Sujata Mittal

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Hope your partner did not vomit the medicines. Her periods might come on their time. If she is overdue, that is, she has missed her periods, get a beta hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) test done to rule out pregnancy. The tightening of nipples might be due to hormona...  Read Full »

Why do my nipples hurt?

Query: Hello doctor, What can cause sore nipples in females?  Read Full »

Dr. Mohammad Aamir

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Soreness of nipples might be due to the following reasons: It is most common just before your menses like three to four days before the start of your menses. If you are feeding your baby, that is, during lactation, soreness of nipples might occur. If you are taking contr...  Read Full »

My breasts are changing in shape, and my nipples are getting inverted. Why?

Query: Hello doctor, I noticed some changes in my breasts, and my nipples are getting inverted. Kindly help.  Read Full »

Dr. Muhammad Uzair Ali

Answer: Hello, Welcome to From the visual angles you shared (attachments removed to protect the patient's identity), the nipples look completely normal and healthy. However, to be sure, it is always best to examine them physically. Although I would like to know the following: Is there any d...  Read Full »

Why do I have a small lump beneath my nipple?

Query: Hi im a 13 year old boy. I have recently noticed a small lump beneath my nipple and was wondering if this is normal? The lump is not too hard but not soft and the same time. Kind of rubbery. I haven’t noticed any other changes so far.   Read Full »

Dr. Gerardo M. David

Answer: Good Day, I am Dr. David. Since when did you exactly notice the lump? Did it grow in size since then. Any change of color on the skin over the lump? Did you notice dimpling of the skin over it? And is it painful when you touch it? I would also like to know if you have relatives that also had this?...  Read Full »

What is the possibility of breast cancer in men?

Query: Hello doctor, I am a 42-year-old male with mast cell activation syndrome. For treatment, I take H1 and H2 histamine blockers daily. Recently, I noticed that my left breast is enlarged or swollen. I recently lost a bit of weight during the home quarantine, and I noticed that my left breast is down...  Read Full »

Dr. Muhammad Zubayer Alam

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I can understand your concern. According to your statement, you have been suffering from discoloration of the skin on the left side of the chest near the underarm, which looks somewhat like a bruise where it is darkest and looks like subtle discoloration where i...  Read Full »

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