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HomeAnswersSexologynightfallI am experiencing frequent nightfall. Please help.

How to cope with frequent nightfall?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

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iCliniq medical review team

Published At March 26, 2024
Reviewed AtMarch 26, 2024

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

I am 22 years old, weigh 66 kilograms, and stand at a height of 5 feet 10 inch. I have experienced frequent nightfall occurrences, totaling 10 times this month. I am feeling deeply distressed.

Please help. Thank you.

Answered by Dr. Raveendran S R


Welcome to icliniq.com.

I do understand your concern.

Nocturnal emissions, commonly known as wet dreams or nightfall, are considered normal occurrences. They may result from heightened erotic stimuli, whether mentally, physically, or visually, even without engaging in sexual activity or masturbation. Given your age of active testosterone production, about 20,000 sperm are generated every minute, leading to substantial semen production. If not released through masturbation or sexual activity, nocturnal emissions may occur during deep relaxation or sleep. Recognizing the cause simplifies treatment.

Strategies to reduce erotic stimuli include:

  1. Limit caffeine: Refrain from consuming caffeinated beverages or foods in the late afternoon or evening, as caffeine can stimulate the brain and induce erotic dreams.

  2. Cold showers: Taking a cold shower before bedtime can diminish sensitivity in the genital area.

  3. Manage stress: Control and reduce stress levels, as elevated stress can trigger nocturnal emissions.

  4. Sleep position: Avoid sleeping on your back or stomach, as these positions might contribute to sleep orgasms. Opt for sleeping on your side.

  5. Regular exercise: Engage in consistent physical activity to relax both the body and mind, reducing the likelihood of sleep orgasms.

  6. Limit erotic content: Refrain from watching or reading erotic material before bedtime to avoid stimulating dreams.

    For a temporary remedy, consider taking Tab Pari (Paroxetine and Clonazepam) 10 mg every night for 15 days.

    If you have any clarifications, doubts, additional questions, or follow-up inquiries, please feel free to ask again at icliniq website. Wishing you better health.

    Thank you.

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Raveendran S R
Dr. Raveendran S R


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