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HomeAnswersDermatologymolluscum contagiosumWhat is the reason for a lump on my penis?

What can the lump on penis be?

What can the lump on penis be?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

Medically reviewed by

iCliniq medical review team

Published At July 11, 2017
Reviewed AtJune 30, 2023

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

I have a small lump on my penis. I have not had any unprotected sex and also have a steady partner. I have this for about a month. Please help.

Answered by Dr. Gaurang Gupta


Welcome to icliniq.com.

It is very difficult to diagnose it without seeing it through photos. Here I mentioned the possibilities, which could be the lump.

  1. Wart lump- Rough surface, multiple, painless, hard, stucked and not going since long time.
  2. Molluscum - It also has hard, round, smooth surface, whitish and white material filled.
  3. These are the two main differential diagnoses. Since how long it is on the penis? Is it painful or itchy? Please explain the lesion, duration, symptoms, and how it looks.

Patient's Query

Thank you doctor,

Here, I have attached the photo for your reference. There is no pain or itching of any kind.

Answered by Dr. Gaurang Gupta


Welcome back to icliniq.com.

I looked into your photos (attachment removed to protect patient identity) closely. It seems like molluscum. Just take the cotton and press it. Try to extract all the material inside it. Then, clean it with antiseptic and this is the treatment. It is better to go to a local doctor. He will use topical anesthesia and extract the whitish material completely. As you said that you had only protected sex, sometime molluscum may come without any sexual contact too (very common to get it this way). If you cannot extract it on your own then apply Podophyllin solution (Podowart) over it every night and see for two weeks. It may go with this, or else remove it manually.

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Gaurang Gupta
Dr. Gaurang Gupta


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