Common "Missing Teeth" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Missing Teeth

A missing tooth can happen in both milk teeth and permanent teeth. If a milk tooth is missing, it may be because of its shedding period or may be removed due to caries. If permanent teeth are missing, it may be because of any gum problem that weakens the teeth, removed due to caries, developmental defect, or the tooth remains inside the bone. Treatment of missing teeth includes replacing the tooth or orthodontically moving the tooth to its position.

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I am a teenager, insecure about my smile because it is slightly to the left. Please help.

Query: Hi doctor, I am a teenager and do not have any milk teeth left. My top row of teeth is slightly moved to one side as I have a missing lateral incisor. My dentist told me it is slightly rare in adult teeth. I was not born with missing teeth, but I did have an accident when I was a few years old that ...  Read Full »

Dr. Hesham Ahmed Abdelhamid Elsayed Shamma

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I understand your concern. As much as I understand from your query that you are complaining about two problems. The first is your missing lateral incisor, and the other is your jaw problems. Your first one is called an impacted tooth. Diagnosis is confirmed by X-ray...  Read Full »

My lower first and second molar is missing. How can I get braces?

Query: Hi doctor, My first and second molar is missing from the lower side. How can I get braces? Please help me.  Read Full »

Dr. Mayank Khandelwal

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I read your query and understand your concern. Several factors must be considered before proceeding with the discussion of your query. Molars are important teeth not only for orthodontics but also for mastication (chewing), the face's width, and the jaw bone's balanc...  Read Full »

I have gaps in my teeth due to missing laterals. What to do?

Query: Hello doctor, I have missing upper lateral incisors and due to this, I have gaps between my front incisors and canine. How can I close the gaps by using braces? Kindly help.  Read Full »

Dr. Shiva Shangkharii. K.

Answer: Hi,Welcome to am here to address all your health-related queries. From your description, I conclude that your laterals are missing, and you would like to fill up the space. Please let me know if the gap is only on one side or on both sides. Generally, if gaps are present on both sides,...  Read Full »

I lost my tooth due to a cavity. What is the best treatment to replace it?

Query: Hello doctor,I got a tooth cavity, so the complete tooth got decayed, and now I have a missing tooth. What best treatment could be done? Kindly help.  Read Full »

Dr. Ummah Mohammad

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I read your query and can understand your concern. I noticed the attached image (attachments removed to protect the patient's identity) and can see that there is still some decayed tooth remaining, first and foremost, you should have that portion or tooth remnant re...  Read Full »

I want a complete set of implants. Kindly suggest.

Query: Hi doctor,I have only eight teeth left in my mouth, and I want a complete set of implants. What it will cost? Also, let me know the time I have to spare for it.Thanks.  Read Full »

Dr. Muzaffer Hussain Parray

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I understand your concern. There are three possible ways to restore your teeth. Removable dentures will cost you the lowest, between 20000 to 40000 rupees, depending on your city. Also, these dentures are not fixed, and you can remove them, so their functionality is co...  Read Full »

My baby turned 1, but there are no incisors erupted. Why?

Query: Hi doctor, My baby turned one, and his lower incisors and upper canines have erupted, but there is no sign of the upper incisors. Should I be worried about it? Kindly suggest.  Read Full »

Dr. Mayank Khandelwal

Answer: Hi, Welcome to You should be concerned about upper incisors not erupting even though upper canines have erupted. Lower incisors first erupt around six months of age, followed by upper incisors and canines. As you mentioned that he got lower incisors also at ninth months of age, his ov...  Read Full »

How to replace a few extracted upper and lower teeth?

Query: Hi doctor, What dental service do I need when I have four extracted upper teeth and three extracted lower teeth? And I want to fill them permanently. Currently, I a using a marvel for long time and they do not fit anymore. Please help. Thanks.  Read Full »

Dr. Rakshana Devi M

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I hope you are doing good. The extracted teeth have to be replaced. No need to replace wisdom teeth. But the replacement has to be done after complete healing of the wound. The replacement can be a removable partial denture or a fixed partial denture. It can be a flexi...  Read Full »

What is the best replacement for a partial denture?

Query: Hi doctor, No matter how often I brush or floss, my teeth still have cavities, and I brush twice daily. I even cut out excessive acidic foods. I have a partial denture in the front. Unfortunately, I can not afford an implant. What is the best alternative to an implant for the two missing teeth in th...  Read Full »

Dr. Muzaffer Hussain Parray

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I understand your concern. You have not mentioned that if your denture is removable or fixed, partial denture; you should have uploaded a picture so that I could have provided you with a better treatment plan. Therefore, the implant has an alternative to a fixed partia...  Read Full »

Can an upper full denture cover up my missing front teeth?

Query: Hi doctor, I wanted to ask if it is possible to use an upper full denture to cover up my three missing teeth in the front? I only have one front tooth left and the other teeth in the back on both sides. Or should I try a different denture? Just wanted to know your opinion on this.  Read Full »

Dr. Geethanjali. S. S

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Full dentures are used to replace the whole lot of teeth when absent. In your case, as you have mentioned that you got only one front tooth left, it is much easier to replace only those lost teeth. So, the options here are removable partial dentures. Here you get regula...  Read Full »

I have a space in upper first molar region. Can second molar be moved forward to fill the space?

Query: Hi doctor, My upper first molar was extracted a few years back. Is it possible to move the second molar forward to fill the space of the extracted first molar? Kindly give your suggestions. Thank you.  Read Full »

Dr. Mayank Khandelwal

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I understand your concern. Yes, it is possible to bring the second molar forward to the place of the extracted first molar. This is called the protraction of molar. However, it depends on the status of the bone, the duration of the area without the tooth, the presenc...  Read Full »

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