Common "Low Platelet" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Low Platelet

Platelet is responsible to form blood clots and they stop bleeding. Low platelet count is seen in the condition of thrombocytopenia. It can occur due to problems in the immune system and leukemia. There is frequent bruising, prolonged bleeding from wounds, petechie, and fatigue. This condition is treated depending on the cause. When there is severe blood loss, then it is treated by giving transfusion of platelets. If it occurs due to problems in the immune system, they are treated by giving corticosteroids.

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Why am I having fever with chill and decreased platelet count?

Query: Hello doctor, I got a fever with a chill. So, got my CBC done in which hemoglobin is 14.5. TIC is 6800,neutrophil is 65, lymphocyte is 29, monocyte is 0, RBC count is 4.67, hematocrit is 46.8, MCV is 100.2, MCH is 31.0, MCHC is 31.9, and platelets count are 113.0. Malaria test is negative. Two year...  Read Full »

Dr. Sagar Ramesh Makode

Answer: Hello, Welcome to CBC seems to be good except for a mild decrease in platelet count. You need to do a dengue serology again but as of now there is nothing to worry about. Please let me know since when you are having the fever.  Read Full »

What to be done next if one is tested positive for dengue?

Query: Hello doctor, A relative of mine is admitted to a local hospital and tested positive for dengue. His platelet count was checked thrice. The first time they checked it was yesterday afternoon, and the count was 83,000. The second time they tested him yesterday evening and the count was 81,000. The th...  Read Full »

Dr. Girish Chandrakant Kamat

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Fever with body ache is one of the typical symptoms of dengue fever. There is absolutely no need to worry as long as the platelet count is more than 20,000 per microliter of blood. Only if this threshold is crossed, there is a risk of bleeding. Even in such situatio...  Read Full »

What foods can help to manage gestational thrombocytopenia?

Query: Hello doctor, I am suffering from gestational thrombocytopenia. I have been trying to eat foods to help raise my count. However, there is so much conflicting information about what foods actually raise or decrease counts that I am really confused. I am wondering if food can help. If yes, I would lik...  Read Full »

Dr. Goswami Parth Rajendragiri

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Gestational thrombocytopenia is a diagnosis of exclusion. This means all other causes for thrombocytopenia should be ruled out especially the medical history should be taken regarding ITP (Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura). If the ITP history is positive then ITP ...  Read Full »

Why is my platelet count decreasing?

Query: Hi Doctor, I am having fever since last 6 days with continuous headache. I am taking Paracetamol on regular intervals, but my fever temperature is not decreasing from 100 degree, sometimes it reaches to 103 degree as well. Because of the fever my appetite is also reducing day by day. I got it checke...  Read Full »

Dr. Rajesh Gulati

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Platelet count decreases in many other infections also, not only in dengue. If your fever temperature is not getting down with Paracetamol, then it means you had taken a very low dosage and many times it is not able to lower the temperature. You can take tablet ...  Read Full »

Why my brother gets jaundice every year during summer?

Query: Hello doctor, My brother has jaundice, and it is occurring every year during summer. He feels very low and lazy, and his body becomes yellow. He is experiencing weakness and swelling on face and across his ankle. He also has a fever. We do not know why he gets sick every year. In addition to that, h...  Read Full »

Dr. Ashaq Hussain Parrey

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I went through your post and the investigations (attachment removed to protect patient identity) that you have posted. He has the following problems: Low platelet count of 40,000. Iron-deficiency anemia. Hepatospleenomegaly. Raised serum bilirubin and mild e...  Read Full »

My father has leukemia. Can I donate platelets for him?

Query: Hello doctor, My father is suffering from a low platelet count due to leukemia. Can I donate platelets to my father? Someone at blood bank told me that son's platelet will not increase the count to a parent. I am in search of a donor for my father.  Read Full »

Dr. Singh Smrita

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Platelet count is reduced in leukemia because the cells in the bone marrow produce platelets known as megakaryocytes that are replaced by leukemic cells. If your father is receiving chemotherapy, then also all the blood counts, including platelets, will be reduced. Yo...  Read Full »

What is the treatment for high lymphocytes, low Hb and platelets?

Query: Hello doctor,My sister is aged 55 years, and the blood report says that it is mild anisopoikilocytosis macrocytic normochromic RBC. The WBC are having lymphocytic prominence with reactive lymphocytes. The platelets show marked thrombocytopenia. Her hemoglobin is 7.9, her neutrophil count is 1520, an...  Read Full »

Dr. Goswami Parth Rajendragiri

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Her hemoglobin level is low. For that, further workup can be done in the form of serum iron, TIBC (total iron binding capacity), and ferritin estimation. I need to know her hematocrit and RBC value as well to guide you further. You need to correct anemia with iron or...  Read Full »

What to do for ITP in a 2.5 year old girl?

Query: Hello doctor, My daughter is 2.5 years old. She is diagnosed with ITP last month. Initially, she had minor itching near armpits but now she is fine. She is eating well, and her weight is constantly 12.5 kg for the last one month. She had a little fever with cough and cold three days back, but now th...  Read Full »

Dr. Goswami Parth Rajendragiri

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I read her reports. (attachment removed to protect patient identity). The latest report shows the normal platelet count. So no need to worry regarding any bleeding. The total WBC (white blood corpuscles) count is high, but it could be due to an infection of the uppe...  Read Full »

My mother is suffering from low platelets due to myelofibrosis. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor, My mother is suffering from low platelets, for which a bone marrow test was done, and the report says that she has a myelofibrosis problem. Could you help us out with her problem?  Read Full »

Dr. Mashfika N Alam

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I understand your concern. If it is confirmed to be myelofibrosis, I am afraid the only absolute cure is a stem cell transplant. However, some measures can reduce symptoms quite a bit like, 1. Splenectomy. 2. Chemotherapy. 3. Radiation. She will need a platelet tr...  Read Full »

Tests for dengue are negative, then why is the platelet count low?

Query: Hi doctor, My father is admitted to the hospital as his platelet count is 8000/cumm. The tests for dengue and NS1 are negative. After injection of 4 units of platelet, his platelet count is 12000/cumm. Then after administering 2 and 4 more units, the platelet count was 23000/cumm and 22000/cumm re...  Read Full »

Dr. Chelladurai Pandian Hariharan

Answer: Hi, Welcome to This is definitely not normal. Even though dengue antigen is negative, the low platelet count gives suspicion of dengue. The line of management is on the right way. So do not worry. Once the platelet count crosses 25000, we can stop the platelet transfusion. Only freque...  Read Full »

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