Common "Hiv-duo Test" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Hiv-duo Test

The HIV duo test gets its name from the antigen and antibodies it detects. This test detects the anti-HIV 1, anti-HIV-2 total immunoglobulins, and HIV-1 p24 antigen. The p24 antigen are detectable as early as 28 days of sexual exposure. Hence HIV infection can be detected early, resulting in a better prognosis. These are also known as fourth-generation HIV tests.

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Are headache and sweating after gay encounter symptoms of HIV?

Query: Hello doctor, I am a 32-year-old male. I had a gay encounter with four men in a massage parlor in three different days. In all the four cases we have used condoms but once the condom slipped. In my second and third encounter, I got a lot of blood and that too very dark color blood and something else...  Read Full »

Dr. Rakesh Kumar Bahunuthula

Answer: Hello, Welcome to HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) infection has a window period of one to three months during which the test results can be a false negative. Homosexual exposures have a higher risk of HIV transmission than other modes. According to WHO (world health organization), a...  Read Full »

Is the anti-HIV antibody screening test conclusive?

Query: Hello doctor, I have had a few unprotected high-risk exposures in my life so far. I had a concern and checked my status of HIV through an ELFA test after three months following the last encounter. I did another ELFA test after six months, and both were non-reactive. I did not have any exposure in be...  Read Full »

Dr. Sushil Kakkar

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have gone through your query, and I have noted your concern. Your last screening tests for HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), that is, fourth generation p24 antigen and anti-HIV antibody screening test is conclusive for all previous exposures. Negative antibody s...  Read Full »

I fear contracting HIV and underwent a test. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor, Some 20 months ago, while having tea outside the office, I felt a slight pinch in my hands. I thought it would have been a mosquito bite as it was itching. But, I also had a thought that someone might have inserted a needle. Recently, a month ago, I read in a leading newspaper that a h...  Read Full »

Dr. Basti Bharatesh Devendra

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have gone through the report (attachment removed to protect patient identity). The HIV antibodies test,which is a DUO (drug utilization observation) test, is negative after three months of exposure. It is conclusive that you are free from HIV (human immunodeficiency...  Read Full »

Am I still at risk if my HIV test comes back negative?

Query: Hello doctor, I am a 26-year-old male. Two months back, I had unprotected oral sex and protected vaginal sex with a massage lady. 16 to 17 days later, I had a fourth-generation HIV test at the hospital, which came back negative. On days 37, 42, and 49, I used a rapid third-generation test at home, w...  Read Full »

Dr. Ravinder K. Sachdeva

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I went through your query and understand your concern. 1. Although your HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) test results are quite assuring, you still need to undergo a confirmatory HIV rapid antibody test after three months of last exposure. There is no need to repe...  Read Full »

I am worried about HIV after having sex. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor, I had a protected intercourse with a female sex worker. I tested negative for HIV ribonucleic acid polymerase chain reaction test, HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) 1 and 2 antibodies, and protein 24 antigen test. Do I need any further testing or is it conclusive? Please help.  Read Full »

Dr. Basti Bharatesh Devendra

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Thank you for your query. The chances of transmission of HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) by single protected intercourse is almost nil if the condom was used in a proper manner. The chances of HIV tests coming positive later is almost nil, with the given test res...  Read Full »

Why do I have diarrhea and fever after unprotected oral sex?

Query: Hello doctor, I had unprotected oral sex with a guy, but he did not ejaculate. He penetrated me unprotected for about two minutes and then had put on a condom. After we were done, he removed the condom, cleaned himself, and penetrated again for about two minutes. I stopped him because he did not wea...  Read Full »

Dr. Kiran Anaparthi

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I understand your concern. The test for HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a fourth-generation dual test, a combined antigen and antibody test. The window period is the time during which the body responds to viruses and starts producing antibodies for defense, but dete...  Read Full »

What does non-reactive mean in HIV test?

Query: Hi doctor, I have allergies like sneezing, running nose, pain behind the eyes due to strong fragrance or dust, and taking homeopathy medicines. I used to have these allergies before a sexual incident, but they are getting worse after that. Also, when I think more about HIV(Human Immunodeficiency Vir...  Read Full »

Dr. Ravinder K. Sachdeva

Answer: Hi, Welcome to The allergy details mentioned are non-specific. So, you have been identified with a specific allergen. Antiallergic homeopathic medicines are unlikely to interfere with the test result. I suggest you regularly do some breathing exercises for 15 to 20 minutes a day along w...  Read Full »

My HbsAb is below 10 IU/ml. Do I need a booster shot for hepatitis B?

Query: Hi doctor, I was exposed to a needlestick injury around ten weeks ago, and I ran a series of tests out of fear. They are as follows: 1) HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) combination test - Non-reactive. 2) HbsAg (hepatitis B surface antigen) test - Non-reactive. 3) HCV (hepatitis C virus) test was ...  Read Full »

Dr. Shubadeep Debabrata Sinha

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I read your query and can understand your concern. The laboratory tests you took are negative for viral illnesses possibly transmitted by needle stick injury, primarily HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). However, it is a good idea to keep getting tested yearly. ...  Read Full »

Does the p24 antigen get detected after nine months of HIV infection without treatment?

Query: Hello doctor, I am concerned regarding p24 antigen detection. I read in different articles that it is delectable for only two months, and later it disappears as antibodies are formed. The antigen appears again if the person is not being treated. Is it like that? Does the p24 antigen level increase ...  Read Full »

Dr. Arun Kaushik. R

Answer: Hello, Welcome to The p24 antigen can be detected faster than antibodies. After two months, as one produces antibodies, the virus will be killed, and the p24 might not be detectable. However, once the antibody level reduces in the body, the antigen can be detected as the viral l...  Read Full »

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