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HomeAnswersPediatricschild behaviorMy 10-year-old son is very mischievous. How to make him an obedient child?

How to encourage a 10-year-old child to be obedient?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

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Published At August 9, 2023
Reviewed AtAugust 9, 2023

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

My son is 10 years old and is very mischievous. His teachers are complaining about him a lot. So, how to make my son an obedient child? Kindly provide your valuable tips on this.


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Some suggestions to help you encourage more obedient behavior in your son:

  1. Open and clear communication: Clearly communicate your expectations, rules, and consequences to your son. Make sure he understands what is expected of him and the reasons behind those expectations. Use simple and age-appropriate language to ensure he can comprehend.
  2. Active listening: Give your son a chance to express himself and actively listen to his thoughts and feelings. This will help him feel heard and valued, improving your overall communication.
  3. Positive reinforcement: Praise and reward your son when he exhibits good behavior or follows instructions. Positive reinforcement can motivate him to continue behaving in a desirable manner. Use specific and genuine praise to highlight his efforts and achievements.
  4. Consistency: Establish consistent routines and rules at home. Consistency provides stability and predictability for your child, making it easier for him to understand and follow expectations. Be consistent in enforcing consequences for misbehavior as well.
  5. Set clear consequences: Clearly define the consequences of disobedient behavior in advance. Make sure your son understands the consequences and consistently follows through with them. However, remember to be fair and provide appropriate consequences that match the severity of the behavior.
  6. Time-out and reflection: Time-outs can be effective for helping children calm down and reflect on their behavior. When your son misbehaves, calmly explain the behavior that led to the time-out and give him a designated space to reflect on his actions. After the time-out, have a conversation about what he did wrong and discuss how he can improve.
  7. Model good behavior: Children often learn by observing their parents or caregivers. Be a positive role model by demonstrating respectful and obedient behavior. Show your son how to handle challenging situations and resolve conflicts peacefully.
  8. Quality time and bonding: Spend quality time with your son to build a strong emotional connection. Engage in activities he enjoys and create opportunities for open and meaningful conversations. A strong bond can positively influence his behavior and increase his willingness to listen to you.
  9. Address underlying issues: Sometimes, disobedient behavior can be a sign of underlying issues such as stress, anxiety, or learning difficulties. If you notice persistent and concerning behavior, consider consulting with a professional, such as a pediatrician or child psychologist, who can provide guidance and support.
  10. Remember, shaping obedient behavior takes time and patience. It is important to focus on positive reinforcement, nurturing a healthy relationship, and teaching your son self-discipline rather than resorting to punishment or harsh discipline.

I hope this has helped you. Thank you.

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Dr. Veerabhadrudu Kuncham
Dr. Veerabhadrudu Kuncham


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