Common "Angioplasty" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq


Angioplasty is a minimally invasive endovascular procedure, which uses a special balloon to widen the narrowed blood vessels of the heart caused mainly due to atherosclerosis. This procedure restores the blood flow to the heart that has been reduced due to the formation of plaque in the blood vessels. It is used to reduce chest pain caused due to decreased blood flow and to reduce the risk of a heart attack.

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My brother suffers from severe heart problems. Kindly guide.

Query: Hello doctor, I am writing to seek your guidance regarding my brother's severe heart problem. He is 56 years old, and the impressions from his recent echocardiogram reports are as follows: Report 1, taken three months ago, represents Normal cardiac size. AWMA+ (Septum, apex, anterior wall, mid ...  Read Full »

Dr. Muhammad Zohaib Siddiq

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I read your query and can understand your concern. EECP (enhanced external counterpulsation) is typically not an initial treatment, as it may sometimes offer little or no benefit. It is primarily considered for individuals experiencing angina that is not effectively co...  Read Full »

My mother had heart attacks. Is angioplasty safe?

Query: Hello doctor, My mother’s age is 80+ and she had heart attack four times. Two attacks in quick succession a year back and two attacks quick in last one month. Her heart pumping capacity is about 35 % with kidney creatinine 3.4 mg/dl. But it is decreasing now. She never had diabetes. But always whe...  Read Full »

Dr. Muhammad Zohaib Siddiq

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Although bypass or angioplasty can be done in old age, if the health of patient is promising, but if other health issues are present then it becomes a high risk case. As your mother's kidney function is poor, it becomes very risky to have an angiogram done because even n...  Read Full »

My cardiologist recommended angioplasty. Please suggest.

Query: Hello doctor,I have a very localized discomfort under my sternum when I exercise. Generally, it does not occur with just walking on level ground but on even a gentle slope (incline), I begin to notice it. I have had an echocardiogram. The cardiologist recommended an angiogram and possibly an angiopl...  Read Full »

Dr. Muhammad Majid Hanif

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have reviewed your health query and have understood you may be having what is called ischemic heart disease. In this disease, the vessels supplying blood to the heart muscles itself, get clogged due to any reason. When there is the partial blockage (incomplete bloc...  Read Full »

Is bypass, angioplasty, or EECP better for my 51-year-old father?

Query: Hello doctor, My father is 51 years old with normal weight (fit), yet he has diabetes and now a heart problem. Just got an angina attack. Doctors say bypass or angioplasty are the options since three of his heart valves are 70 to 80 % blocked. He is on a strict diet with no oil at all and only sala...  Read Full »

Dr. Muhammad Zohaib Siddiq

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Science is based on evidence and experiment. As for as three-vessel disease and diabetes mellitus, the evidence favors CABG (bypass) if there are suitable targets (which means vessels can be attached as a bypass). There are many trials which support this decision. Anoth...  Read Full »

I have breathlessness while walking or taking stairs. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor, I have breathlessness while walking or taking stairs, chest congestion at times, and sleeplessness. I am diabetic and take Insulin twice a day. Please find the attached reports of ECG, echo, and angiography. Is angioplasty required? Can blockage be tackled with medicines alone?  Read Full »

Dr. Sagar Ramesh Makode

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have seen the reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity). Yes, you should undergo angioplasty because you are having symptoms on exertion. The ECG changes are suggestive of deficient blood supply. Also, the blockage is significant 80 %. At this mo...  Read Full »

My father-in-law had a severe heart attack. How to proceed?

Query: Hi doctor,Please find enclosed reports of my father-in-law. He got severe heart attack yesterday. Now he is bit stable. Need your help on how to proceed further. Should we go for angioplasty or bypass operation? What is survival chances if we go for bypass? Right now he is not listening and insistin...  Read Full »

Dr. Sagar Ramesh Makode

Answer: Hello, Welcome to How much is his ejection fraction? Risk of the procedure depends on the ejection fraction. If it is fine, say more than 45 to 50 percent then the risk of life in such surgeries is 1 to 2 percent. The preferable and better option for him is bypass surgery as he is dia...  Read Full »

What can the cause of my generalized body pain, fever, and headache?

Query: Hello doctor, My mother, aged 64, has ischemic cardiomyopathy. Her angina and breathlessness are reduced, and they only occur when she exerts herself. But, she is feeling nauseous and dizzy even though she takes food every two hours. Her random blood sugar test is done, and the values are between 41...  Read Full »

Dr. Muhammad Majid Hanif

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Well, your mother seems to have issues with her blood sugar and thyroid together along with the heart problems. This makes a vicious circle leading to symptoms getting interrelated thereby creating a worse scenario. She is having high TSH (thyroid-stimulating hor...  Read Full »

Do I need to take Beta-blocker and Calcium Channel Blocker for variant angina?

Query: Hello doctor, I ended up with emergency angioplasty after two and a half hour of cardiac pain. The doctor found totally occluded LAD, opened it to 50 percent with angioplasty. He recommends bypass surgery and am waiting to see cardiac surgeon. I am concerned with diagnosis which were almost non-exis...  Read Full »

Dr. Sukhvinder Singh

Answer: Hi, Welcome to The diagnosis of variant angina and STEMI (ST-elevation myocardial infarction) due to total occlusion of a vessel do not go hand in hand normally. The documents provided by you also do not mention that you have variant angina (attachment removed to protect patient ident...  Read Full »

Why do the creatinine levels fluctuate after angioplasty?

Query: Hello doctor,My sister-in-law was admitted to the cardiac center for cardiac angioplasty. However, during the angiogram, along with the discovery of six blockages in the heart, one blockage was found in both the left and right kidneys. Following the cardiologist's advice, we opted for a renal stent ...  Read Full »

Dr. Yash Kathuria

Answer: Hello,Welcome to have read your query, and I can understand your concern.Now, creatinine tends to rise after an angioplasty due to the dye used as a contrast to visualize the vessels. However, it does not increase rapidly because of that; it may take 48 to 72 hours for creatinine to ri...  Read Full »

My father has LAD stenosis. Is angioplasty essential?

Query: Hello doctor, My father, who is 62 years, had a heart attack before two months. He was admitted to the hospital and the first aid was given. His angiography was done after four days and the diagnosis was single vessel disease with mid LAD 90% stenosis. Doctor has advised him 20 days of medicine and ...  Read Full »

Dr. Muhammad Majid Hanif

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I have reviewed your health query regarding your father and can well establish the sensitivity of the issue. Yes, he is out of the danger now. After a heart attack, next 48 to 72 hours are very crucial as there can be a fatal attack of deranged heart rhythms. Yes, the c...  Read Full »

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