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HomeHealth articlesoxygen therapyWhen is Oxygen Therapy Needed in Elderly People?

Understanding the Indications of Oxygen Therapy in Elderly People

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3 min read


Oxygen therapy helps improve the oxygen supply to the body. Read below to know more.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Rajesh Gulati

Published At August 16, 2023
Reviewed AtApril 30, 2024


People's health and well-being may be affected by the various changes occurring in the body with age. One of the changes in the amount of oxygen delivered to the body reduces as people age. Heart, lung, and other medical conditions are just a few causes of this reduction. Oxygen therapy may be required in these situations to improve the overall health.

What Is Oxygen Therapy?

Oxygen therapy is a medical procedure that involves giving the body extra oxygen to support proper function. Usually, it is given via a ventilator, a mask, or a nasal cannula. Oxygen therapy helps increase oxygen levels, which can lessen the strain on the heart and lungs. As a result, the general health and well-being of the elderly may be enhanced.

When Is Oxygen Therapy Needed in Elderly People?

Elderly people may need oxygen therapy for various reasons. The following are some of the most prevalent causes:

1. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Millions of people worldwide are afflicted by COPD, a chronic lung condition. Airflow restriction caused by COPD is not entirely reversible. This may result in other respiratory symptoms, such as coughing and shortness of breath. It may be necessary to use oxygen therapy to increase blood oxygen levels and lessen the strain on the heart and lungs.

2. Heart Failure

Heart failure is due to difficulty pumping and circulating blood throughout the body. Numerous symptoms, such as shortness of breath, exhaustion, and leg swelling, are likely to happen in individuals. Oxygen therapy may be necessary to increase blood oxygen levels and lessen the strain on the heart and lungs.

3. Pneumonia

Pneumonia can cause inflammation in the lungs. This may result in other respiratory symptoms, such as coughing and shortness of breath. Oxygen therapy may be necessary to increase blood oxygen levels and lessen the strain on the heart and lungs.

4. Sleep Apnea

Individuals from different parts of the world suffer from sleep apnea. It is characterized by breathing pauses while sleeping, which can lead to fatigue, daytime sleepiness, and other symptoms. Oxygen therapy may be necessary to increase blood oxygen levels and lessen the strain on the heart and lungs.

5. Interstitial Lung Disease

Interstitial lung disease affects the tissues and spaces around the air sacs in the lungs. This may result in other respiratory symptoms, such as coughing and shortness of breath. Oxygen therapy may be necessary to increase blood oxygen levels and lessen the strain on the heart and lungs.

What Are the Symptoms That Indicate a Need for Oxygen Therapy?

  • Breathlessness is a typical sign of low oxygen levels in the blood. An elderly person may require oxygen therapy if they have trouble breathing, even at rest.

  • Weakness and fatigue are symptoms of low blood oxygen levels. An elderly person may require oxygen therapy if they are feeling exhausted.

  • Cyanosis is a condition with insufficient oxygen in the blood, causing the skin to turn blue. An elderly person who exhibits cyanosis needs to begin oxygen therapy right away.

  • Elevated Heart Rate: When blood oxygen levels are low, the heart has to work harder, which raises the heart rate. Oxygen therapy may be necessary if an elderly person has a rapid heartbeat.

How Does Oxygen Therapy Help Elderly People?

Oxygen therapy can be very beneficial for elderly people who need it.

The following are some ways that oxygen therapy can help elder people's health and well-being:

  • Improved Oxygenation: The amount of oxygen in the blood is increased with the aid of oxygen therapy. This is crucial for elderly individuals with diminished lung function or other medical conditions that lower their oxygen levels. The body can work more effectively with enough oxygen, leading to better cognitive function, increased energy, and improved general health.

  • Reduced Shortness of Breath: The typical symptom of many respiratory diseases, shortness of breath can be highly upsetting to the elderly. By increasing oxygenation and facilitating normal lung function, oxygen therapy can help to relieve this symptom. This can enhance the elderly person's capacity to carry out daily tasks without becoming out of breath.

  • Increased Physical Endurance: Oxygen therapy can help older people be more physically resilient by lowering shortness of breath and improving oxygenation. Increased physical activity can also enhance general health and reduce the danger of complications from inactive lifestyles.

  • Enhanced Cognitive Function: Oxygen therapy has numerous physical advantages but can also help older adults' cognitive abilities. According to research, low oxygen levels have been linked to cognitive decline, memory issues, and attention problems. Oxygen therapy can help to improve cognitive function by increasing oxygenation, which makes it simpler for elderly people to think clearly and carry out mental tasks.

  • Improved Sleep Quality: Many elderly people suffer from sleep apnea. It is characterized by breathing pauses while sleeping, which can cause daytime fatigue and other symptoms. By giving the patient more oxygen while they sleep, oxygen therapy can be used to treat sleep apnea. This may increase general well-being, improve sleep quality, and lessen daytime sleepiness.

  • Reduced Hospitalizations: Hospitalization is common for elderly people with chronic respiratory diseases or other medical conditions. By enhancing general health and lowering the risk of complications linked to low oxygen levels, oxygen therapy can help lower hospitalization risk. This can lower healthcare costs and enhance older people's quality of life.


For elderly patients with low blood oxygen levels, oxygen therapy can have a significant positive impact. It can alleviate conditions like COPD, emphysema, heart failure, and symptoms like fatigue, confusion, and shortness of breath. Oxygen therapy may be beneficial for elderly people with risk factors for low oxygen levels, such as smoking, obesity, or anemia. Awareness about low oxygen levels helps get timely help. Oxygen therapy can treat elderly patients with respiratory conditions in hospitals, clinics, and home care settings.

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Dr. Rajesh Gulati
Dr. Rajesh Gulati

Family Physician


oxygen therapy
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