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Natural Treatment for Blocked Fallopian Tubes

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Blocked fallopian tube results in difficulty in getting pregnant. There are many natural treatment methods for a blocked fallopian tube. Read the article below.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Vishvendra Singh

Published At July 18, 2023
Reviewed AtFebruary 7, 2024


The fallopian tube is the part of the reproductive organ where fertilization occurs. The sperm meets the egg in the fallopian tube, and the fertilized egg travels to the uterus through the fallopian tube for implantation and growth. If the fallopian tube is blocked, then it is difficult for the sperm to meet the egg and also for the egg to move toward the uterus resulting in infertility. The causes of blocked fallopian tube include pelvic inflammatory disease, which causes scaring, fibroids, or growth in the fallopian tube, scar tissue formation caused by ectopic pregnancy; endometriosis which causes tissue buildup in the fallopian tube and can be due to some sexually transmitted disease like chlamydia and gonorrhea.

What Is Blocked Fallopian Tube?

Fallopian tubes are a part of the female reproductive organ which connects the ovaries and the uterus. During ovulation, the fallopian tube carries an egg from the ovary to the uterus. Fertilization occurs in the fallopian tube. In some cases, the fallopian tube is blocked and which will block the movement of sperm toward the egg and also the movement of the egg toward the uterus. The causes for the blocked fallopian tube are scar tissue formation or any infections. There are usually no signs and symptoms associated with blocking the fallopian tubes. Sometimes it can cause mild to moderate pain on one side of the abdomen. Pain is due to the accumulation of fluid, which will cause enlargement of the blocked fallopian tube. A blocked fallopian tube can affect fertility. Due to the blockage in the fallopian tube, there is no chance of sperm and egg meeting, and fertilization will not happen, resulting in infertility. It is diagnosed by hysterosalpingography (HSG), an X-ray test used to show the blocked fallopian tubes.

What Are the Natural Treatments for Blocked Fallopian Tube?

There are fewer chances of getting pregnant In a blocked fallopian tube. There are several natural treatments to unblock the fallopian tube. The natural treatment focus on decreasing the inflammation in the fallopian tube. Some natural treatments for blocked fallopian tubes include the following -

  • Vitamin C - It is an antioxidant that will help reduce inflammation and improve the immune system. It helps in the healing of scar tissue and is considered to have a positive impact on blocked fallopian tubes. Vitamin C can be given through the diet, and many supplements are available. An increased intake of Vitamin C can result in diarrhea and stomach pain.

  • Turmeric - Turmeric is one of the natural anti-inflammatory agents present. The active ingredient of turmeric is curcumin which has a higher result of reducing inflammation. Curcumin intake can be by turmeric in food or turmeric drinks and can be taken in a supplementary form.

  • Ginger - Ginger also has anti-inflammatory properties. Gingerol is the active ingredient in ginger, with both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Garlic - Garlic helps in unblocking the fallopian tubes and increases the chance of fertility.

  • Lodhra - It is an ayurvedic natural treatment method that will help unblock the fallopian tubes and boost fertility.

  • Dong Quai - It is a plant used in Chinese herbal medicine that helps remove the blockage present in the fallopian tube. It is considered one of the most commonly used treatment methods in Chinese herbal medicine for treating reproductive problems.

  • Vaginal Steaming - It helps to treat multiple conditions like menstrual cramps and infertility. It helps to remove the block in the fallopian tubes.

  • Fertility Massage - Fertility massage includes warm oil massage in the abdominal area, which help in removing the blockage in the fallopian tube. It improves the blood flow to the inflamed area and will help in faster healing.

  • Mugwort - It is a herb used to boost fertility and can also be used in unblocking fallopian tubes.

  • Castor Oil - Castor oil can increase fertility and unblock the tubes by stimulating blood and lymph circulation.

  • Exercise - Exercise can improve fertility and help unblock the fallopian tubes.

  • Yoga - Yoga helps reduce stress and anxiety, which will help increase the chance of getting pregnant. Stress can result in reducing fertility. With the help of yoga, calmness of the mind and body can be acquired, which results in reducing stress. Yoga also helps in improving healing.

  • Meditation - Meditation can also help reduce stress and anxiety, which will help boost fertility.

  • Reduce Alcohol Intake - Reduce alcohol intake to increase the chance of getting pregnant.

  • Improving Diet - Include green leafy vegetables and other nutrient-rich foods to improve the fallopian tube's blockage and increase the chance of getting pregnant.

  • Stop Smoking - Smoking causes ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy can result in scarring of the fallopian tubes leading to blockage and infertility.

  • Consumption of Omega-3 Fatty Acids - Consuming omega-3 fatty acids helps reduce inflammation in the body. Flaxseed, walnut, canola, and oily fish are food sources with a high amount of omega-3 fatty acids.

  • Acupressure - Acupressure helps apply pressure that will help clear the blockages and increase the flow of energy in the body.

Which Are the Three Natural Methods to Unblock the Fallopian Tube With Herbs?

The three Ayurvedic methods of unblocking the fallopian tube include the following -

  • Panchakarma - Panchakarma is considered one of the important methods in Ayurveda treatment for infertility-related problems. For unblocking the fallopian tube, Uttara Basti is the treatment of choice. It involves administrating a medicated oil through the vaginal root. Uttara Basti can be used for all types of gynecological problems. It will increase blood circulation and reduce inflammation in blocked fallopian tube regions, improving the condition.

  • Oral Herbal Medicine - Herbal medicines effectively treat the fallopian tube's blockage. Examples of herbal medicines are Ashokarishta, Ashwagandha, Pushpadhanwa rasa, Shatavari, and others.

  • Diet and Lifestyle Changes - Natural herbal supplements should be included in the diet. Practice yoga and meditation to reduce stress. Avoid alcohol consumption and smoking. This will help in improving physical well-being.


Apart from the natural treatment for blockage of the fallopian tubes, medical treatments can also be used. The laparoscopic surgery will help remove the fallopian tube's block while diagnosing itself. After removing the blocked fallopian tube, the healthy parts of the tube are connected. Sometimes natural treatments do not prove to show any benefits. In that case one must consult a doctor and start with medical interventions.

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Dr. Vishvendra Singh
Dr. Vishvendra Singh



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