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Pulsating Tummy During Pregnancy - An Overview

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Pulsating Tummy During Pregnancy - An Overview

4 min read


A pulsating sensation in the tummy during pregnancy occurs due to elevated blood flow to the uterus and organs that surround it. Read more in the article.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Richa Agarwal

Published At August 23, 2023
Reviewed AtMay 16, 2024


A pulsating sensation in the abdomen can be caused by several factors, ranging from normal bodily functions to more serious medical conditions. This sensation can occur due to bloating or constipation. Other reasons for this are the formation of the bulge in the aorta, pregnancy, and or the dissection of the aortic artery.

What Are the Causes for Pulsating Tummy During Pregnancy?

Pulsating tummy, or abdominal pulsations, during gestation can be caused by a number of factors. It is important to understand that during gestation, the body undergoes many alterations which can affect the digestive and circulatory systems, leading to various sensations in the abdomen. The following are the causative factors of pulsating tummy during gestation:

  • Increased Blood Flow: During pregnancy, the body produces more blood to support the growing fetus, which leads to an elevation in blood flow to the abdominal area. These alterations might result in a pulsating sensation or a feeling of fluttering in the stomach.

  • Hormonal Changes: Hormonal changes during pregnancy can also affect the digestive system and cause pulsations in the stomach. The hormone progesterone, for example, relaxes and frees the digestive tract muscles, which can lead to bloating and pulsations.

  • Fetal Movements: As the fetus grows, it begins to move around more, which can cause pulsations and fluttering sensations in the abdomen. These movements can be felt more strongly in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy.

  • Digestive Issues: Pregnancy can also cause digestive issues such as constipation, bloating, and gas, which can lead to pulsating sensations in the abdomen. These issues can be exacerbated by hormonal changes and the pressure applied by the enlarged uterus.

  • Braxton Hicks Contractions: Braxton Hicks contractions are sporadic uterine contractions that can occur during pregnancy. These contractions can cause a pulsating sensation in the abdomen, but they are usually not painful and do not lead to labor.

In general, a pulsating tummy during pregnancy is a normal and common sensation and is usually not a cause for concern. If the pulsations are accompanied by pain, fever, or other symptoms, it is critical to seek medical management so that any medical conditions are treated.

In Which Area Will Pregnant Women Feel a Pulsating Tummy?

Pregnant women may feel a pulsating sensation in their tummy, especially during the later stages of pregnancy, as the baby's movements become stronger and more noticeable. The exact position of where the pulsations are felt may vary depending on the position of the baby in the womb and the mother's individual anatomy. A pulsating sensation in the tummy during pregnancy can be a normal occurrence and may be felt while sitting or standing. This sensation occurs due to many causative factors like increased blood flow to the uterus, the baby's movements, or even the mother's own digestive system.

In general, pulsations or movements may be felt in the lower part of the tummy, around the area of the uterus, or lower abdomen. The main point is that every pregnancy is unique, and the exact location of pulsations or movements may vary. If they have concerns about the sensations they are feeling, it is always a good idea to consult with a physician.

In Which Conditions a Pulsating Tummy During Pregnancy Is Cause of Concern?

During gestation, the common finding is that women experience different categories of sensations in their stomachs as the baby grows and develops. Some of these sensations include fluttering, gurgling, and pulsing. In most cases, pulsating in the tummy during gestation is not a concern in most cases and is considered a usual finding.

There are certain situations when pulsating in the tummy during pregnancy could be a sign of a problem. Some of these conditions are as follows:

  • Preterm Labor: Pulsating sensations in the tummy that are accompanied by contractions, back pain, or vaginal bleeding could be a sign of preterm labor. This is a very critical condition that requires immediate medical management.

  • Placenta Previa: Pulsating sensations in the tummy that are accompanied by vaginal bleeding could be a sign of placenta previa. In this case, the placenta fully shields the cervix, which can cause serious complications for both the mother and the baby.

  • Umbilical Cord Problems: Pulsating sensations in the tummy that are accompanied by decreased fetal movement or a decrease in the baby's heart rate could be a sign of an umbilical cord problem. This is a critical condition and the requirement is immediate medical management.

If they experience pulsating sensations in the tummy during gestation, it is important to monitor them closely and speak to the physician if they have any concerns. The physician can help them determine if the pulsating sensations are normal or if they require further evaluation.

Pulsating Tummy During Pregnancy

What Is the Management of a Pulsating Tummy During Pregnancy?

Pulsating or fluttering sensation in the abdomen, which occurs by the movement of the developing fetus. If the women develop other signs like pain, fever, or bleeding, immediate medical management is required.

If the pulsating tummy is not associated with any other concerning symptoms, several strategies may help to manage the discomfort:

  • Change Positions: Experiment with different positions, such as lying on the side or sitting up, to see if this helps to alleviate the pulsating sensation.

  • Gentle Massage: Try gently massaging the abdomen in a circular motion. This may help soothe the muscles and ease any tension or discomfort. Under the care of a doctor, individuals can buy abdominal massager.

  • Relaxation Techniques: Engage in relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or prenatal yoga, which can help to calm the mind and body.

  • Stay Hydrated: Intaking plenty of water might be helpful as it maintains hydration and leads to a reduction in the complications like muscle cramping or discomfort.

  • Eat Small, Frequent Meals: Eating smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day can help alleviate pressure on the digestive system and reduce discomfort.


The pulsating tummy during gestation is a normal condition in most cases. In some cases, the pulsating tummy is accompanied by pain, cramps, bleeding, and other severe symptoms. It is essential to know the correct management and always consult a physician in severe cases, as the well-being of the mother and the fetus is of utmost importance.

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Dr. Richa Agarwal
Dr. Richa Agarwal

Obstetrics and Gynecology


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