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Waste-To-Energy Technologies in Healthcare - An Overview

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Waste management is important in today’s world due to various global concerns. Read below to learn more.

Written by

Dr. Neha Rani

Medically reviewed by

Dr. C. Elanchezhian

Published At May 15, 2024
Reviewed AtMay 17, 2024


Waste management is becoming an increasingly important global environmental challenge due to items' shorter lifespans and rising disposal rates. The "waste management hierarchy" established by the EU (European Union) lists material recovery and recycling as preferable approaches, in addition to waste prevention and minimization. On the other hand, thermal waste treatment and landfilling are not advised because of possible health and environmental hazards.

Waste-to-energy (WtE) plants produce heat and power by turning municipal solid waste (MSW) into high-temperature steam using combustion chambers and boilers. Worldwide interest in WtE plants has increased due to growing concerns about environmental impact and waste management. They provide an effective way to manage waste streams left behind, especially since achieving high material recycling rates is still challenging. The EU's aim to cap waste landfilling by 2035 highlights the significance of alternate treatment approaches such as WtE. Modern facilities that produce heat for home and commercial usage and electricity for local consumption, such as the Sysav plant in Malmö, Sweden, are notable examples of energy efficiency. It is anticipated that WtE will continue to be essential to sustainable waste management techniques, especially in achieving upcoming trash reduction goals.

Do Modern Waste-To-Energy Plants Pose a Threat to Public Health and the Environment?

Pollutant emissions from waste-to-energy (WtE) plants, such as particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, PCDDs (polychlorinated dibenzodioxins), and PCDFs (polychlorinated dibenzofurans), have historically caused concern. On the other hand, modern WtE facilities ensure flue gasses are thoroughly cleaned and monitored following the stringent emission criteria established by the EU's Waste Incineration Directive (WID) and the Best Available Techniques Reference Document (BREF).

Recent research and systematic reviews have found that modern, well-managed WtE plants do not adversely affect the environment or human health. These plants' particulate matter, lead, mercury, PCDDs, and PCDFs are typically regarded as at levels that do not appreciably increase ambient air concentrations or pose health hazards.

Research on the emissions from different WtE plants in the United States has shown that these plants often meet or surpass emission regulations. Nitrogen oxides are the only pollutant above limits but far below maximum attainable control technology standards.

Generally, the scientific community agrees that current WtE systems with strict emission controls are a practical and eco-friendly way to produce heat and electricity without having a major negative influence on the environment or human health.

What Are the Various Processes Involved in Waste-To-Energy Conversion?

Three primary processes convert waste to energy (WtE): thermochemical, biochemical, and physicochemical. Different process technologies are available within these pathways, each based on one of these conversion processes.

1. Thermochemical: In thermochemical conversion processes, high temperatures break down the molecules in municipal solid waste (MSW) components, and then oxygen is added to produce energy. Thermochemical processes include gasification, pyrolysis, and incineration.

  • Incineration: This method produces heat, electricity, and flue gas (composed of oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and water) by burning the organic materials in MSW between 1562 and 2012 degrees Fahrenheit. Garbage can be effectively reduced, and energy can be produced by incinerating garbage through combined heat and power (CHP) generation. Ash, a by-product of the process, can be disposed of in a landfill or suitably processed for reuse in other sectors.

  • Pyrolysis: In pyrolysis, organic material undergoes chemical and physical separation into distinct molecules when exposed to high temperatures and no oxygen. When pyrolyzed carbonaceous MSW components, up to 80 percent of their energy can be recovered. Reactors with fluidized beds are frequently used for pyrolysis, which yields fuels that resemble those derived from fossil fuels and can be utilized to generate heat and electricity or transformed into other valuable products.

  • Gasification: It is a type of pyrolysis modified and carried out with little steam or oxygen. It produces syngas, primarily hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and other gasses, at about 1472 degrees Fahrenheit. Gasification is an effective method for converting plastics and organic MSW fractions into clean syngas, which can be utilized for transportation fuels, combined heat and power generation, or as raw materials in various industries.

2. Biochemical: Municipal solid waste (MSW) can be biochemically converted to energy by employing microorganisms such as yeast to decompose the organic waste into liquid or gaseous biofuels. Anaerobic digestion and fermentation are the two primary technologies in this pathway.

  • Anaerobic Digestion: This method uses microorganisms to break down organic waste without oxygen. It takes place in unique reactors with carefully managed pH and temperature ranges. After several phases, the process produces biogas, liquid digest, and fiber. Methane and carbon dioxide from biogas can generate heat and electricity, and fiber and liquid digestion can be used in the fertilizer sector.

  • Fermentation: Microorganisms are used in fermentation to break down organic molecules without oxygen. Sugars are transformed into alcohol by this process, mostly ethanol. Batch and continuous fermentation are both viable methods, each with its benefits. The primary product is ethanol, which can be used as a transportation fuel instead of gasoline. CO2 (carbon dioxide), distilled-dried grains (DDGs), and stillage are examples of by-products. DDGs can be utilized as cow feed, CO2 can be sold as dry ice, and stillage can be further processed to produce biogas.

3. Physicochemical - Transesterification is a crucial waste-to-energy (WtE) technique that uses a chemical process to turn food waste into biodiesel. Examples of this include animal fats and used cooking oils (UCO). UCO is first purified, and then rendering is done on slaughterhouse waste to remove fat and other useful goods. Alcohol, lipids, and catalysts like carbonic acid or potassium hydroxide are all involved in the transesterification process. Acid-catalyzed processes are preferred for greater FFA (free fatty acid) levels but need more upkeep and longer processing periods. This can be remedied with a two-step esterification and transesterification procedure. The unsaturated fatty acid level in the feedstock determines the quality and amount of biodiesel produced.

How Can a Transdisciplinary Approach Effectively Handle the Difficulties in Waste Management?

Science has long recognized the need to characterize health risks to assess the risks associated with particular facilities or activities, such as waste-to-energy (WtE) plants. Realizing the hazards in comparison to people's perceptions is challenging, though. When individuals support waste treatment plants but do not want them close to their houses, it is known as the not in my backyard (NIMBY) impact. Despite the necessity of these plants, this results in demonstrations and legal disputes against their construction. It is difficult to locate these plants because of this opposition, which results in waste treatment requiring longer transport distances, which raises expenses and pollution.

Identifying and conveying risk factors related to WtE plants can be difficult, but doing so is essential to educating the public about the potential health effects. Waste management plant acceptance can be increased, and the NIMBY impact can be lessened by involving the community in decision-making processes.

Solving these issues requires a multidisciplinary approach that includes specialists from the social sciences, engineering, and environment. For instance, the effective collaboration between different disciplines on HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) campaigns combined knowledge of biology with behavioral change strategies to halt the virus's spread. Likewise, integrating diverse perspectives and fields of expertise might help identify better-suited and effective waste management strategies for local groups.


Therefore, to reduce public concerns about the health effects of waste-to-energy facilities, legislators and waste management authorities must prioritize waste avoidance, minimization, and material recovery initiatives and create effective communication plans. A transdisciplinary approach that includes scientists and professionals from several fields is necessary to ensure well-informed decision-making and achieve optimal results. Incorporating scientific data, proficient communication, and interdisciplinary cooperation can help the world move toward a day when WtE facilities are recognized as essential elements of a sustainable waste management system.

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Dr. C. Elanchezhian
Dr. C. Elanchezhian

General Medicine


solid waste managementwaste to energy technologies in healthcare
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