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Acroyoga - An Overview

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Acroyoga artfully fuses the serenity and mindfulness of yoga with the thrill and physicality of acrobatics, creating an enthralling and ever-evolving practice.

Written by

Dr. Asma. N

Medically reviewed by

Bhanushali Sonali Suresh Tara

Published At January 11, 2024
Reviewed AtJanuary 11, 2024


Acroyoga is a mesmerizing fusion of yoga and acrobatics, with its origins firmly grounded in the traditions of both practices. It marries the serenity of yoga with the exhilaration of acrobatics, forming a dynamic partner-based physical practice that has found widespread acclaim in our contemporary world. Beyond its physical attributes, acroyoga possesses the remarkable power to nurture trust and forge connections among participants, often including therapeutic massage as an integral component. This harmonious blend of yoga, acrobatics, and healing touch creates a distinctive union of mind, body, and partnership. In this article, we will unravel the diverse facets of acroyoga, its myriad benefits, and the various styles it encompasses.

What Is Acroyoga?

Acroyoga seamlessly blends the grace and mindfulness of yoga with the dynamic athleticism of acrobatics, showcasing a captivating fusion of physical prowess, demanding strength, coordination, and flexibility. This unique practice hinges on partner collaboration, necessitating flexibility, strength, balance, and a foundation of trust between participants, ultimately forging profound connections and mutual support while deepening their understanding of each other's bodies. Within acroyoga, participants adopt specific roles, primarily as the "base" and the "flyer". The base assumes a pivotal position, maintaining a sturdy connection with the ground, with legs firmly perpendicular to it, facilitating the ease of lifting their partner. Meanwhile, the flyer maintains equilibrium and grace throughout the performance. To ensure safety, there is also the essential role of the “spotter”. entrusted with ensuring a secure landing if balance is compromised.

What Are Some Acroyoga Poses?

Some basic acroyoga poses include:

  • Front Plank: A cornerstone in advanced acroyoga, this pose sets the stage for many dynamic maneuvers. Here, the flyer gracefully melds with the base's feet, raising their legs while securing their grasp on the base's hands. The demands of this pose manifest in the core's strength, a vital factor for lifting the legs skyward and maintaining the alignment of the limbs, forming a perfect perpendicular with the ground.

  • Front Bird: This pose mirrors the front plank in many ways, with a subtle twist to its dynamics. Here, the base's hands find their place on the solid ground while the flyer extends their hands in a graceful backward sweep. For an added layer of security, the base can keep their arms elevated, ensuring stability and confidence in the pose.

  • Bow: In the realm of acroyoga, this particular pose commences with the front bird position. From there, the flyer gracefully extends their hands to grasp the legs while elevating their chest. Simultaneously, the base can direct their feet upwards, enhancing the elevation of their chest. Throughout this intricate maneuver, the flyer should focus on their breathing, emphasizing the importance of slow, deep breaths.

  • Folded Leaf: This acroyoga posture holds therapeutic benefits. In this position, the base positions their feet at the flyer's groin area. The flyer, with legs kept straight, gracefully leans forward into the stretch.

  • Whale: Within this yoga pose, the flyer's feet rest near the base's legs, facing upward. The base securely grasps the flyer's ankles, providing crucial support for the flyer's back, which gradually leans backward. As this unfolds, the flyer extends their arms above their head, embracing the stretch.

  • Plank on Plank: This particular posture is effective for enhancing core strength. To achieve this, the base begins in a plank position while the flyer positions themselves facing the base's feet. The flyer places their hands on the base's ankles and extends their toes to rest on the base's shoulders.

  • Fish on a Rock: Within this acroyoga pose, the base initiates by assuming a child's pose, extending their arms forward, and resting their forehead on the ground. Simultaneously, the flyer reclines on the base's back, arching gracefully over the base's shoulder and extending their arms and legs in a stretch.

What Are the Benefits of Acroyoga?

Acroyoga offers a multitude of benefits, including:

  • Engaging in acroyoga is an enjoyable practice that promotes the release of endorphins and adrenaline, effectively lifting one's mood.

  • It fosters a profound connection with the partner as one collaborates in intricate poses.

  • Acroyoga cultivates a heightened sense of body awareness, facilitating greater control and precision.

  • The practice sharpens the ability to concentrate and stay in the moment.

  • It provides mental relaxation, allowing one to unwind and de-stress.

  • When combined with massages, acroyoga can have therapeutic effects, promoting overall well-being.

  • It enhances not only physical but also mental balance, contributing to a sense of equilibrium.

  • Regular practice leads to increased flexibility, which benefits both body and mind.

  • Acroyoga exercises target and strengthen core muscles, enhancing stability and support.

  • The practice offers cardiovascular improvements.

  • Acroyoga contributes to the flexibility and strength of joints, aiding in mobility and longevity.

  • As one progresses in acroyoga, one will experience increased physical strength and vitality.

What Are Some Tips Before Starting Acroyoga?

Before delving into acroyoga, one should consider the following tips:

  • Seek acroyoga groups to find motivation and share knowledge with fellow enthusiasts. It is not just productive but also a fun activity.

  • Before starting any acroyoga practice, ensure a gentle warm-up that explores all the joints and muscles, preparing the body for the physical demands.

  • If you're the flyer, transition from a standing position by reaching toward the base's feet, securing the grip on their groin. Repeat this movement until a strong and secure connection is established.

  • Begin the acroyoga journey with basic poses. As the confidence grows, one can progress to more advanced positions.

  • Remember to take breaks during the practice to rest and recharge.

  • When attempting poses, aim to maintain them for at least three to four minutes to experience their full benefits.

  • Switching roles with the partner can enhance the understanding of balance and movement, making the practice more well-rounded.

  • Safety should always be a priority. Having a spotter on hand can provide an added layer of security, ensuring a safe landing in case of any mishaps.


Acroyoga is a delightful and multifaceted activity with many benefits, including enhanced flexibility, strength, body awareness, and balance. Beyond its physical advantages, it can also be a therapeutic practice, promoting overall well-being. Moreover, acroyoga provides an excellent opportunity to socialize with friends while sharing the joy of this practice.

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Bhanushali Sonali Suresh Tara
Bhanushali Sonali Suresh Tara

Fitness Expert


relaxation techniquesyoga
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