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Nutritional Management Of Underweight Kids

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Nutritional Management Of Underweight Kids

6 min read


Are individuals worried about their child being underweight? Read the article below to learn how to manage this problem through nutrition.

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Published At December 25, 2018
Reviewed AtMay 9, 2024


If the kid is a fussy eater or hates eating food and is severely underweight then he can suffer from many nutritional deficiencies leading to weak bones and impaired physical development as well as mental development. At this point, it becomes very necessary to feed the child energy-dense foods necessary for the overall development of the child so that the child does not suffer from iron deficiency anemia or bone problems in the future. Giving the child energy-dense foods does not mean that one can give the child foods rich in sugar and bad fats like burgers and pizzas, but does provide the child with essential fats instead.

How to Know if the Child Is Underweight?

It can be difficult to determine if the child is underweight. However, if a person is already aware of the child's age, height, and weight and wants to know if he possesses an optimal weight or not then a person can check it online by using the healthy weight calculator tool.

The Child's Diet: All children need to obtain energy (calories) and nutrients from a varied and balanced diet. It is usually tempting for an underweight child to fill up his tummy with high-calorie yet unhealthy foods, like sweets, cake, chocolates, and other sugary, processed, and fatty foods and beverages. However, it is further important for a child to gain weight healthily and safely. For this, the consumption of a balanced diet is required.

What Is a Balanced Diet?

As per the government guidelines, children of five years of age and above should follow the recommendations given for adults, which come with the proportions in which various foods are required to be a part of the balanced diet. These are as follows:

  • Consume a minimum of five portions of different fruits and vegetables daily.

  • Instead of having potatoes, bread, rice, or other starchy carbohydrates, go for wholegrain whenever possible.

  • Choose some dairy products or their alternatives, like yogurts, and prefer low-fat and low-sugar options.

  • Eat proteins in the form of beans and pulses, fish, eggs, meat, etc. Try to have at least two segments of fish every week.

  • Opt for unsaturated fats and their products and eat them in small quantities.

  • Sip plenty of fluids, 6 to 8 glasses a day.

  • Choose a diversity of food items from the main food groups.

  • Occasionally consume foods and drinks high in fat, salt, and sugar, and small amounts.

Are There Any Underlying Medical Conditions Causing This Issue?

Premature babies are frequently underweight since their growth needs to catch up with their classmates. However, undereating is frequently the cause of underweight in older children.

Picky eating may or may not be to blame for this. Several medical conditions can potentially inhibit the absorption of nutrients or lower appetite. They consist of:

  • Medication: Drugs used to treat attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can reduce appetite.

  • Food Allergies: They can make it difficult to consume adequate calories. The difficulty increases with the number of dietary sensitivities.

  • Hormonal or Digestive Disorders: These conditions, along with other difficulties involving insufficient nutrition absorption, might occasionally prevent kids from gaining weight as they get older.

Are There Any Everyday Circumstances That Could Prevent the Kids From Eating a Nutritious Diet?

A pediatrician may recommend a one-day appointment with a nutritionist if they discover that the child is underweight. The objective is to rule out inadequate food consumption as the cause; if this is the case, the dietician can make recommendations.

Typically, one will be required to maintain a food diary that tracks the child's eating patterns. The nutritionist will consider further options as well:

  • For Children in Day Care: Certain facilities do a better job than others at recording the number of calories the child consumes during the day.

  • For Older Children: A busy schedule brought on by extracurricular activities and sports frequently results in undereating. Even if they are active, they could not be consuming enough calories to meet their increased needs.

  • For Kids Who Live in Different Homes: It is possible that youngsters who live with various families miss meals due to parental separation or divorce without the parents' knowledge or consent.

Which Eating Patterns Should Kids Stay Away From?

To ensure that their child gains weight in the right way, parents should concentrate on preventing or avoiding a few typical patterns.

  • Grazing: Excessive snacking, or "grazing," is one of the most typical mistakes people make. To give children enough time to become hungry before sitting down to a nutritious supper, families should establish meal and snack timings. The child will "graze" on low-energy-density foods until they are full. If they wait for meals, they will consume more calories.

  • Utilizing Electrical Devices: Eating is important, but so is where one eats. Although kids should eat healthy snacks at the table rather than aimlessly in front of the TV, phone, or computer, it is still recommended.

  • Avoid Juices: Fruit juices should be avoided, especially those with added sugar. Kids will feel fuller from juices and other sugary drinks, but they will not get any protein, fat, or energy from them.

  • Protein Powders: These are not advised because underweight children appear to get adequate amounts of protein from their diets (also, these powders do not offer the proper balance of nutrients needed to gain weight).

In What Healthy Ways Can Families Support Their Children’s Weight Gain?

Unbelievably, the objective is to increase the child's intake of fats—not just any fats, like the saturated fats found in fried foods, but healthy fats like those found in oils and nut butter. Here are some recommendations:

  • Include nut butter: Encourage children who enjoy eating raw fruits and vegetables to try apple slices or celery sticks dipped in peanut butter, for instance.

  • Introduce beneficial oils covertly: Even the pickiest eaters can benefit from sneaking in some heart-healthy oils, like olive oil, by adding them to their diet.

  • Consider taking vitamins orally: If one is not sure if the child should take an oral supplement, ask to consult with a qualified dietitian.

The ultimate objective is to establish wholesome, long-lasting dietary habits. This is why it is crucial to consult with a dietician, who can also provide advice and recipes while keeping an eye on the child's development.

How to Manage the Nutrition in Underweight Kids?

Following are certain ways in which one can nutritionally manage underweight kids:

  • Having a Healthy and Balanced Diet: Just because the child is underweight, it does not mean that a person gives them junk food as junk food does not contain nutrients as compared to a healthy and balanced diet. Rather than just having three main meals, give the kid healthy snacks too in between the meals. Remember to not give the child aerated drinks as they are very high in sugar as well as empty calories which will not lead to the growth and development of the child.

  • Good Source of Proteins: Good sources of proteins include milk and milk products, chicken, and fish which help with muscle development. Proteins are also essential for the function of certain enzymes in the body. Hence, see to it that the diet of the underweight child contains good sources of protein.

  • Iron Rich Sources: Has the child often complained of feeling sleepy or lethargic for no reason? When the child is underweight due to a lack of certain nutrients such as iron, the child might experience symptoms of anemia. The best way to improve this is to supply the kid with essential sources of iron like garden cress seeds, flaxseeds, chicken, and liver. Green leafy vegetables like spinach are also a very good source of iron. It can be incorporated into the diet of the child in the form of cutlets that are baked rather than deep fried.

  • Carbohydrate Sources: Good sources of carbohydrates like brown rice and red rice would additionally provide the child with essential B complex vitamins, necessary as an essential source of energy.

  • Vitamins and Minerals: Vitamins and minerals are obtained from various kinds of foods like fruits and vegetables as well as non-vegetarian foods. A deficiency of certain vitamins like vitamin A can lead to symptoms of night blindness in the child. Deficiency of vitamin B1 (thiamine) can cause beriberi in the child.

How to Improve the Child’s Calorie Intake?

To aid in weight gain by the child, gradually increase his portion sizes at every meal, particularly for starchy foods like bread, rice, potatoes, etc. However, if the kid finds it difficult to consume larger portions, try adding the energy density of the child's feeds until they gain adequate weight. Some higher energy-density foods are cheese, nuts, whole milk, and nut butter which have comparatively increased amounts of fats.

Keep the Child Active: Although the child is underweight, it remains equally important that he is physically active. Physical activity will help them develop strong and healthy bones and muscles. It is also important for better mental health status. Kids above five years of age should engage in at least sixty minutes of physical activity daily. However, as the child is underweight the amount of physical activity for them will be different from other healthy kids in his age group. A general physician, nurse, or school nurse can be consulted for this.


Hence, it is very essential to provide the underweight kid with a balanced diet so that he gets all the essential nutrients necessary for his proper growth and development. Always remember not to force feed the child but feed them in a calm environment so that he does not feel pressurized. However, once the kid reaches a healthy weight, his diet may need to be adjusted so that he does not become overweight.

Frequently Asked Questions


How to Improve Calories in an Underweight Child?

In an underweight child, it is crucial to increase their calorie intake. Especially include more proteins like lean meat, beans, lentils, egg yolks, fish, etc. Try new recipes, including mashed potatoes, cheese, paneer, and milk, that increase the amount of calorie intake.


Which Foods Can Be Fed to an Underweight Baby?

The type of foods to be given to babies depend on their age. Breast milk is essential for babies of one to six months of age. If the baby is more than six months of age, boiled and mashed veggies and fruits, especially potatoes and apples, can be given. Other foods, like boiled egg yolks, paneer, and fish, can also be fed.


Which Food Helps in Healthy Weight Gain?

Foods that aid in healthy weight gain is as follows:
- Whole grain cereals, bread.
- Dairy products include cheese, paneer, etc.
- Try fruit smoothies and shakes.
- Protein-rich foods like lean meat, eggs, and fish.
- Eat at intervals, five meals a day.
- Drink more fluids.


Which Strategies Are Involved in Healthy Weight Management?

The primary strategies that are involved in healthy weight management are:
- Eat nutrition-rich foods that make you feel full.
- Drink plenty of fluids; keep yourself hydrated.
- Exercise regularly.


Which Is the Best Type of Protein?

Several kinds of proteins are available that aids in fulfilling nutritional needs, improving body mass, etc. It includes soy, whey, egg, milk, brown rice, and hemp. The best among them is the whey protein which improves energy levels and is easy to digest. They are available in powder forms that can be taken even after workouts.


Do Fruits Help in Weight Gain?

Yes, fruits are also essential in your daily diet to elevate calorie levels. Fruits like mangoes, bananas, and avocados are rich in calories that help with weight gain. You can also include dried figs, apricots, and prunes in your child’s diet to increase their weight in a healthier way.


How to Increase Baby’s Weight Gain?

Make sure you breastfeed your babies eight to ten times a day. Include fruits and veggies that are rich in calories, such as avocados, bananas, mangoes, etc. Add toppings like cheese and butter to the mashed veggies, which are high in calories and gradually lead to weight gain. In addition, proteins such as egg yolks and lentils are also essential.


Which Nutritional Disorder Is Frequent Among Children?

Children mostly have nutritional problems like vitamin D and iron deficiencies. Therefore, it is important to monitor children for any symptoms that indicate these deficiencies and to offer them foods and supplements rich in iron and vitamin D. Calcium, folic acid, zinc, and calcium may also be deficient in a few other children.


What Can Improve the Appetite of an Underweight Child?

Kids may not eat all the foods we give; hence, it is fine to offer them the foods they like to eat anytime, but make sure they are not so sugary. You can try giving them nuts, fruits, and veggies in between their meals. It is also essential to keep them physically active, which improves their appetite.


Do Vitamins Elevate Appetite?

Yes, the appetite may be improved with several vitamins when the child is already in need or deficient in such vitamins. Mostly vitamin B1 and zinc are essential in increasing the appetite in children. Instead of offering supplements, include foods that are rich in zinc and vitamin B1 that increase appetite in a healthier way.


What Are the Nutritional Needs of a Child?

The basic nutritional needs of a child include iron, vitamin D, protein, calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids. Hence, nutrient-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and proteins must be included in their daily diet to improve their weight and fulfill their nutritional needs. Therefore, fulfilling their nutritional needs leads to enhanced growth and development.


What Can Help Children to Maintain Their Body Weight?

The ways to maintain a healthy weight in children are:
- Ensure they drink more water and other fluids.
- Fruits and veggies are musts.
- Include dairy and whole-grain products in their diet.
- Make them exercise regularly to improve their appetite and maintain a healthy weight.


Does Nutrition Have an Effect on Growth?

Growth happens with the help of several factors, which include proper nutrition. In addition to growth, children’s brains also develop and function well through the nutrition provided. Especially vitamin D and calcium are essential in improving growth. Hence, improper growth in children is directly based on poor nutritional needs.


Can I Take Protein Powder to Increase My Weight?

Protein powder is mostly suggested when the diet is low in protein content. Therefore, consuming such protein powders helps in enhancing muscle mass and improving appetite and body weight. However, before taking them, it is vital to consult a specialist to know better about them.
Quadros Krystel Godfrey Lavina
Quadros Krystel Godfrey Lavina



underweightmalnutritiongain weightvitamin deficiency
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