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Nutrition Tips for Kids

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Nutrition Tips for Kids

4 min read


Proper nutrition is important for kids to become healthy and strong, improve mental health, and lead to overall well-being. Read below to know more.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Sneha Kannan

Published At July 22, 2020
Reviewed AtMay 27, 2024


Nutrition is important for kids' growth and development. A lack of nutrients in the diet can lead to a lack of immunity and various developmental disorders. Parents can help children develop healthy eating habits from childhood. Providing the right nutrients from a younger age is important for the proper growth and development of the child and to prevent various deficiencies.

What Are the Nutrition Tips for Kids?

  • Make the Child Follow a Balanced Diet: Providing the right nutrients is essential for the proper growth and development of the child. The child might develop various deficiency-related disorders if they lack adequate nutrition-enriched intake. In children, night blindness is due to vitamin A deficiency, whereas vitamin C deficiency might lead to scurvy (bleeding gums). The chances of developing protein malnutrition are quite likely if protein is lacking in the diet.

  • Make the Child's Food Interesting: Many parents complain that their children do not feel hungry. This may also be because of boredom with having the same type of food every day. On the other hand, purchasing a pizza for the child will make them very happy and ask for more. In such a situation, try making healthy food interesting. Transform regular chapati into chapati pizzas by adding lots of vegetables to it. For protein, add shredded chicken or cottage cheese to it. Children will lovingly and happily have it. Try preparing whole wheat noodles with veggies added to them. This is healthier than the processed noodles available in the market that the child craves, thus spoiling his or her health.

  • Eat The Meal Together: When having meals with family, the child automatically starts developing a sense of safety. Remember that parents are role models for the little ones when having meals with family. If elders complain about having vegetables, then children are imitators. They, too, would start behaving like that. One cannot expect the child to be perfect and listen to whatever parents say if they do not practice it.

  • Avoid Screen Time While Eating Food: Limiting mobile phones or television, especially while eating food, is a good way to teach children to respect food. Switching on the television while eating food would make the child engage in mindless eating. It is also important to teach mindful eating techniques to children and ourselves. Also, avoid giving children phones to play with while eating food. These habits should be developed from childhood, or kids will become stubborn if they are not corrected at a younger age.

  • Make Meals Time a Priority: Establish good meal timing for the kid. Make the kids comfortable and talk to them. Monitor their eating habits. Prepare healthy food at home and avoid obsessive calorie counting.

  • Ensure The Child Has Plenty of Water Every Day: Water is an essential nutrient with no calorific value, yet it possesses various health benefits in adults and children. Ensure that the child has at least eight to ten glasses of water regularly to prevent problems like constipation and piles and keep the child hydrated. Planning the frequency by having at least one glass of water every hour. This can be practiced for at least eight to ten hours because having liters of water at once would make the child use the washroom too often (four to six times an hour). Hence, the distribution of water in time intervals plays an essential role in maintaining the proper hydration status of the child. Water also helps to flush out harmful toxins from the body. Hence, remember to stay hydrated always. Avoid giving the child aerated drinks to quench the levels of thirst. It contains very high levels of sugar and is bad for the child's system. For the child, prepare various detox drinks using mint, cucumber, and coriander instead.

  • Avoid Giving Processed Foods to Children: Various convenience foods have emerged with today's fast-paced life and parents' working schedules. They contain trans fat and partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, harming the child's health. Avoid giving them processed foods like chips, ready-made burgers, nuggets, etc. Instead, whole grain bread, vegetables, and chicken sandwiches would be healthier alternatives for the child. Ensure that more nutritious options are given to the kids. Again, deep frying foods are not a good option for kids as they contain trans fat and may lead to childhood obesity and other problems. Steamed vegetables and baked food are good snack options for children. Try making whole wheat vegetable wraps for the child. Some good sources of protein, like sprouts, cottage cheese, or some amount of shredded chicken, can be added to these whole wheat wraps.

  • Take the Child Grocery Shopping: When taking children grocery shopping, educate them about selecting healthy food choices. Also, help the kid read food labels and choose healthy foods from the supermarket.

  • Involve Kids in the Kitchen: Teach the children basic chopping works. Let them use a plastic knife instead of the normal knife. They can be taught basic stuff like making salads or sorting vegetables in whole grain bread while making a sandwich. Kids who are engaged in making food will happily consume those foods even if they are fussy eaters otherwise because they have made efforts to prepare the food. Always appreciate the child's efforts and encourage them for that. Keep these nutrition tips in mind for the good health of the child.

What Are the Daily Nutritional Requirements for Two to Fours Years Kids?

The daily requirements for toddlers are:

  • One serving of fruits.

  • Two and a half servings of veggies.

  • One and a half servings of dairy.

  • Four servings of grains and one serving of lean meats, eggs, nuts, or seed pastes.

Toddlers require plenty of water, the cheapest, healthiest, and most thirst-quenching drink.


Building healthy eating habits for kids is not easy. It requires constant effort and an understanding of the child's needs. There is no particular food chart or routine, and it depends on the kids. Starting good eating habits at a younger age is better than trying the same at an older age. Good food is required for the overall development of the child, both mentally and physically.

Frequently Asked Questions


What Are Some Important Tips Regarding Nutrition?

- Some of the important nutrition tips include:
- Adding fiber-rich foods, such as whole grains, fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, to the diet.
- Increase the intake of calcium and vitamin D-rich foods.
- Limiting the consumption of sugars and salt.
- Replacing unsaturated fats with saturated fats
- Avoid processed foods of all forms.
- Increased intake of fluids.


How to Improve Nutrition in Children's Diet?

- Children must be encouraged to eat fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Consumption of fat-free or low-fat milk, cheese, yogurt, etc.
- Avoiding added sugar and salt in the meals.
- Avoiding processed foods and junk foods completely.
- Including a protein-rich diet of eggs, poultry, lean meat, unsalted nuts, seeds, and beans.


What Are Some Healthy Lifestyle Tips for Children?

- Develop healthy eating habits by avoiding processed and junk food.
- Eating homecooked food, including fresh fruits and vegetables
- Following a regular schedule for breakfast and meals.
- Reducing screen time and indulging in sports or physical activities.
- Regular exercises or practicing yoga.
- Adequate sleep to remain active throughout the day.


How to Keep Children Naturally Healthy?

- Increased intake of nutritious foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and beans.
- Avoiding packeted or processed snacks and packed juices as they contain a lot of preservatives and artificial sweeteners and colors.
- Adequate sleep by sleeping early and waking up early.
- Limiting intake of added sugars and salt in the meals.
- Drinking low-fat or fat-free milk.
- Maintaining good hygiene habits by washing hands before and after meals and brushing teeth at least twice daily.
- Include physical activities or exercises in the daily routine.


What Are Some Nutritious Foods for Children?

Some of the nutritious foods for children include:
- Oats are one of the healthiest grains, highly rich in fiber, antioxidants, and minerals, and can be used to make soups, porridge, cookies, etc.
- Millets are rich in dietary fiber, proteins, minerals, and antioxidants and can be used to make noodles, wraps, biscuits, etc.
- Whole wheat products can be included in pasta, bread, cakes, etc.
- Fresh fruit juices, shakes, smoothies, etc.
- Breakfast and meals that includes berries, nuts, and seeds.


What Are Some Important Nutrients for Kids?

Some important nutrients required for healthy growth and development are proteins, carbohydrates, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals such as calcium, iron, iodine, potassium, fiber, and plenty of water.


What Are Some Foods Required to Include in a Child's Diet?

- Some of the foods required in a child's diet include:
- Plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Low-fat or fat-free dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt, etc.
- Whole grains such as quinoa, brown rice, and oats can be added to breakfast and meals.
- Including fresh fruits and vegetables in the form of juice, soups, porridge, etc.
- Healthy oils such as extra virgin olive oil, canola oil, and clarified butter can be added instead of unhealthy fats.


What Are Some Healthy Breakfast Options for Kids?

Healthy breakfast options include overnight-soaked oats, fresh fruit juices or smoothies, low-fat milk, millet porridge, whole wheat pasta and noodles, whole grain bread toasts, fresh fruit pancakes, muffins, granola bars, etc.


Why Is Nutrition Considered Important?

Nutrition is essential to maintain overall health and development, well-being, a perfect hormonal balance, immunity, regulating moods, and reducing stress and strain.


What Is Child Nutrition?

Nutrition for the child must focus on the right things required for the child's normal growth and development, including a balanced and healthy diet and scheduled eating patterns, limiting sugar and salt intake, and avoiding processed and junk foods.


Is Boiled Egg Good for Children?

Boiled eggs are good for children as they contain high-quality protein, good cholesterol, a rich source of vitamin D, and omega-3 fatty acids, which help in eye health and maintaining body weight.


What Are Some of the Superfoods?

- Some of the superfoods include:
- Dark green leafy vegetables.
- Eggs.
- Legumes and beans.
- Seeds, nuts, and berries.
- Yogurt.
- Seafood.


How to Improve a Child's Thinking Ability?

A child's thinking ability can be improved through communication and interaction, providing ample playing opportunities, adequate time to think, reducing screen time, asking questions, helping them think differently, and encouraging reading habits.


What Are Some of the Healthy Fruits?

Some healthy fruits included in the daily diet are apples, berries, avocados, oranges, peaches, kiwis, watermelon, dragon fruit, banana, mango, etc.


Which Seeds Are Beneficial for Children?

Seeds are rich in fiber, antioxidants, polyunsaturated fats, vitamins, and minerals. As a result, they help reduce blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol. Some seeds that can be included in a child's diet are chia, flax, sesame, pumpkin, and sunflower seeds.
Quadros Krystel Godfrey Lavina
Quadros Krystel Godfrey Lavina



eating habits in childrenparentingnutritiondrinking waterbalanced diet
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